chapter 2

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I know that Shannon Briggs was commentating the first conference, but in this book, I'm saying he is Logan's and Jake's trainer. Thank you, and with further ado, please read on :)

Alissa and I groaned in disappointment.

'You're kidding' I groaned.

'nope' Logan said popping the p.

Alissa and I made eye contact and sauntered back up the stairs. We flopped on the bed at the same time and I hit my head on the side of the bed this time. I let out a sound of pain before closing my eyes and listening to Alissa's laughter.

I sat up and grabbed a pillow before throwing it at her. She squealed and said 'Don't mess up my hair!'

I rolled my eyes. 'What are we meant to do for an hour then?'

'Lets see what KSI makes and what he's like.' Shrugged Alissa.

I shrugged before turning on my laptop. I searched up KSI and the first video that came up was 'Try not to laugh at Dank memes.'

We started watching. 'You what the hell is that on his head?' I asked Alissa.

'Shhh' She shushed me. 'Cmon, I want to watch this.'

I rolled my eyes before pressing the space bar to unpause it. I looked at the guy trying to get the tomato which was on-top of the spinning fan. The fan hit him in the face and he fell off the chair he was stood on.

We burst out laughing before listening to KSI's laugh. I stared at Alissa in shock before pausing the video.

'Yo, his laugh is mad.' I said shocked.

'It is pretty contagious.' She nodded.

We pressed the play button again before watching the whole video. We both agreed it was pretty good content, but we decided to play one of his old videos. 'How to be ComedyShortsGamer' seemed good enough, and since I knew they ComedyShortsGamer was Deji, we'd also get to see what Deji was like. I looked at the thumbnail, which was a picture of KSI looking retarded. I gave a snort before clicking on it.

The first thing I saw was KSI throwing a yoga ball at the wall before it rebounded off and into his face. I laughed before watching it all.

'well that was pretty funny.' Alissa nodded. 'Doesn't he also do music?' Alissa questioned.

I shrugged before clicking on spotify and typing in KSI. He had just over 3 million monthly listeners. It wasn't bad... just not as good as me ;)

I clicked on his recent song; Uncontrollable. 

It had a good beat, nice flow, and was overall an alright song. I then played his most popular song, 'Lamborghini.' The start had some nice electro sounds at the start, before he started yelling random shit. I laughed before turning up the volume and jumping on the bed with Alissa just. As soon as the song ended, I saw Logan and Jake at the door.

'We were just checking out who KSI was. Then we went on spotify to see his music... then we just started being weird.' I explained and giggled nudging Alissa who also let out a giggle.

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