Chapter 20

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I opened my eyes and yawned, squinting at the bright sun's light that was streaming through the window.

I closed my eyes again, trying to get back to sleep. 5 minutes later, when I couldn't get back to sleep, I decided to just get up. 

I stretched my arms, raising them up, and sliding to one side of the bed. I sat up, and turned to the side of the bed, before slowly getting out. My feet hit the fluffy grey rug underneath me, and supported my weight as I stood up. I arched my back and stretched it, making it click. I shivered at the feeling.

I slowly staggered in my sleepy state, over to my computer. I checked YouTube to see if anything relatively important had happened. 


I connected the vlogging camera I had used to vlog the guys' and girls' reactions to my hair, onto my computer. I exported it into my editing software and started editing. I clipped my hair from the video whenever I had shown it so that the viewers couldn't see what my hair actually looked like until the end when I had vlogged what it looked like, and added a few captions here and there, before adding some music and deciding I was done.

I gave a small smile to myself, before walking into my bathroom and brushing my teeth and having a quick shower. I dried myself with a towel, and patted my hair with it, deciding to let my hair naturally dry.

I grabbed some random items of clothing, and threw them on. It just so happened to be a cropped white baggy tee-shirt, and ripped jeans. I flopped like a dead fish onto my bed and grabbed my phone. 

I had been added to a group on Whatsapp.

You have been added to a new chat: Sidemen and Sidebitches.

*Viddal posted the pictures we took at the mall.*

Addison bae: Bagsie 3rd pic for my insta.

And who gave me the name 'Addison bae?'

Talibuns: We all have dumb names. (Talia)

FreeyaahMine's just weird (Freya)

Daddy: At least yours's aren't offensive (josh)

Lanky shit: Yeah (Simon)

Minecraft square-head: Stop fookin complaining and go back to sleep (WillNE)

Single Ginger: I wish I could've said that to you last night. You need to stop having sex at night and go to sleep. (Ethan)

Addison Bae: Wow, glad I decided sleep at JJ's place then.

Minecraft nonce: You will be until you walk in on him wanking (Vikk)

Addison Bae: Already have.

Irrelevant Sideman: You poor soul. (Tobi)

Addison Bae: Wasn't too bad- at least he had a big D ;)

Lanky Shit: I'm disgusted that you think that, and you used a winky face

Babatunde: Thanks Addison Bae ;))))) (JJ)

Wroetosnort: I'm going back to sleep. (Harry)

Blue hair bitch: Night (Gee)

Addison Bae: Wow, this was a weird conversation.

I'm adding all of you to my contacts with ur actual names, cuz i'm rly confused.

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