Chapter 57

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'Addison!' I felt a weight dropping on my duvet-wrapped body. I groaned from the weight.

'Why are you so fucking heavy?' I mumbled, tiredly.

'Gotta get ready to beat Deji.' Jake laughed. 'Not that I even need to train.' He boasted.

'Mm.' I hummed, pulling the duvet up higher.

'Talking of which, do you know anyting about Deji's training in preperation for the fight?' Jake asked sitting on the end of my bed.

'I know fuckall about Deji.' I said. 'But JJ hasn't trained at all in the day. He might've gone to the indoor gym at night- but I didn't see anything in the day. Apparently him and Deji are training this week, though. Now- can I go back to sleep?' I asked.

'It's fourth July!' He exclaimed. 'That means dinner with the fam, fireworks, and meeting everyone all over again.'

'Thanks God I'm going to England, today.' I mumbled.

'Aw, you are!' Jake exclaimed. 'I won't really miss you though.'

'Same, asshole.' I smiled. 'Anyways, get the Hell out so I can pack and get ready.'

'Oh, and by the way- Logan's here and helping us decorate since everyone's coming to our house at six to celebrate.' Jake said before walking out. 'So good luck trying to leave without Logan knowing.'

'He's gonna flip his shit- isn't he.' I groaned.

'Most likely.' Jake shrugged. 'Anyways, I'll let you get ready. Make sure to pack EVERYTHING you're going to need.' He walked to the door, stopping just before exiting. 'And also, I'd suggest you look at the comments of the vlog I posted yesterday.'

'Why.' I asked, scared people were making outrageous assumptions.

'Just see some of the comments.' Jake shrugged, walking out of my room.

I shrugged the duvet off me and stretched all of my limbs before checking my phone to see any new texts.


JJ: U were at JoJo's party until 2am? Something aint adding up here.

Addie: Situation is wayy too long to explain over text. Explain on airport

JJ: K, c u there 

Addie: c u :)

I exited out of the tab and walked to the bathroom, using the toilet and brushing my teeth. Whilst I was brushing, I picked up my phone and tapped on Jake's vlog from yesterday which was in my recommended section, before scrolling down to the comments and reading through.

Fagilhoasu: JoJo is so fucking rich to be able to rent out all of six flags

Sksk hydroflask Queen: Omg, Tydus and Addie are so cute

Jamaica's finest: Deji's fucked.

Lola Raine: Plot twist- Tydus is Addie's kid

I spat my toothpaste into the sink and stared at the comment in shock. That was a mad accusation. I tapped on the replies to see what other had said.

Reply 1: Lmao, they actually look similar too

Reply 2: Tydus' features are so different to Addie's tho

Reply 3: Even bigger plot twist- Jake is the dad 

I choked on my mouthwash, spitting it out and reading the comment again to see if I had misread it. I hadn't.

The idea of that made me feel weird as Hell. 

I finished using the bathroom before chucking on a quick and easy outfit. Since I was going to be flying, I decided to wear a simple and comfortable outfit which included plain black leggings and a oversized white plain tee-shirt. I applied makeup over the gradually fading hickeys, and put some mascara on so that my face didn't look completely bare.

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