Chapter 17

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'pst Addie... ADDIE!' Someone shook me.

'Sh.' I hushed in my tired state, rolling over and nearly going back to sleep. I would have been able to go back to sleep, but them JJ flicked me in the face with cold water. I scrunched up my face and flipped him off before closing my eyes again. I felt cold water trickling down my back.

I leapt out of bed and faced JJ.

'FINE, I'M UP, HAPPY?' I yelled. JJ was looking at everywhere apart from me. 

Oh shit.

I was still only wearing my undergarment. I blushed before basically throwing JJ out of the room. I opened my wardrobe and searched for some clothes to wear. I decided on a simple pair of black leggings and a cropped white and pink tie-dye shirt. I quickly brushed my hair and walked outside to see JJ leaning against the wall waiting for me.

'You woke me up for?' I asked.

'Oh, we can film a video for your channel too.' He said. 'Sorry for walking in I didn't me-'

'It's fine.' I cut him off smiling. 'It was my bad for sleeping only wearing that. I'm just used to wearing that to sleep. Uhm... I won't again.'

'Nah, I'd like to see that more often.' He winked. I rolled my eyes playfully and gestured for him to sit down at my setup.

'When did you set this up? And put LED strip lights?!' He looked around my room, looking at my setup too.

'Just before I slept.' I giggled. 'Anyway, you up for filming a would you rather?' I asked.

'Nah, I'd rather film porn.' He replied sarcastically. 'Sure' he chuckled, looking at me really? expression.

I punched his shoulder before I switched my camera on.

'Hey guys, welcome back or welcome here if you are new, I'm Addie, and today, I am joined by none other than Olajide William Olatunji!' 

JJ rolled into shot.

'I stopped wanking to film this video.' JJ looked straight at the camera, looking dead serious.

'Besides that, today we are doing a would you rather.' I cut JJ off throwing my arms out and trying not to let JJ say anything more about wanking. 'So JJ, would you rather be a boy or a girl?' 

'I mean... obviously a girl. I'd get to see my boobs everyday.' JJ said.

'Yeah but you would have periods.' I argued.

'Yeah, but that's just blood coming out of you, it's not that bad.' He said defensively.

'I wish you were a girl so that you knew just how bad periods were.' I rolled my eyes at his insensitivity.

'Well I can't be, so... Addie! Would you rather only have sex once in your lifetime, but it was amazing sex- like the best sex- or would you rather have sex whenever you want, but it's actually pretty bad sex.' JJ asked

'I mean, I refuse to only have sex once. Like, I know it might be really good, but I'd prefer second option.' I said. 'So JJ, would you rather go on a date with Freya or Talia?' I asked smirking.

'No, no, no. I can't answer that.' JJ started getting up.

'JJ, you have to answer...' I pushed him for an answer.

'Nah fam- that's too crazy.' JJ shook his head.

'Okay, truth or dare forfeit.' I decided.

'Dare.' He replied confidently.

'I dare you to go to one of the guys in this house and say that you love them with all your heart.' I grinned. I was going to enjoy this.

JJ got up from his seat and walked out of my room. I took the camera off the tripod and followed him. JJ walked downstairs and into the living room, I followed and discreetly put the camera on a table and sat down on the couch next to Simon, who was watching a football game. JJ walked up to Simon and sat next to him. JJ then slowly and subtly put his arm around Simon, winking at the camera. Simon started shuffling out of JJ's grip, looking slightly uncomfortable. JJ turned and faced Simon before Simon could go any further.

'Look, Simon. I've loved you since year 7 when we got into that fight. You were just so... beautiful. and you had such gorgeous blue eyes that I was draw in to, and I loved your spiky blonde hair just as much as I've always loved you, and as soon as I heard you speak, I mistook you for an angel. You have such a gorgeous and amazing personality, so Simon Minter- will you make me the happiest man in the world and go out with me?' 

Simon looked bewildered. He turned and faced me in shock, before turning back around. Simon ran away screaming 'TAAAALIAAAAAAAAAA!' As soon as Simon left the room, JJ and I burst out laughing.

'Oh my God, did you see his face?!' I laughed.

'He was so freaked out.' JJ cried with laughter.

'Okay, come on, lets record the rest of the video.

Me and JJ recorded the rest of the video, with lots of disagreements, laughs, would you rathers, and truths or dares. 'Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed today video, and byee!' I waved at my camera and switched it off. 'Thanks.' I thanked JJ for filming with me.

'No problem, I actually really enjoyed filming, which was a nice change.' He looked down at me, and I looked up at him.

His eyes were the exact shade of honey. Glowing and radiating happiness. I felt like I could not look away from his eyes. They looked do happy and full of joy. After what felt like a century, I looked away.

'I'm going to go film videos with someone else.' I mumbled, staring at the floor.

'Oh, okay... yeah, see you later.' JJ walked out of the door awkwardly.

I blushed when he had walked out and quickly edited my video. I could post that later in the week.

'WHO WANT TO FILM A VIDEO?' I yelled down the stairs. I might as well film a bunch of backup videos so that I didn't have to film for a while.

'I'M FREE.' Freya yelled back up.


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