Chapter 40

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'Come on Addie, let's go inside.' I heard Tobi saying.

'For real this time?' I said quietly, turning in my seat.

'Yes, now come on. The Uber driver has places to be.' He said, tapping my shoulder several times.

'Mkay.' I yawned. I opened my eyes and squinted, pushing my sunglasses over my eyes. I exited the car and opened the boot, taking out mine and Tobi's bags. Tobi took his bags off of me, and payed the driver before letting the driver drive away.

'Where's Talia and Simon?' I asked.

'They went to the house already.' He said. 

We walked in a slightly uncomfortable silence for the rest of the way. 

'Fucking Hell.' I gasped, looking at the mansion ahead of me.

The house was white, with several balconies and a flat roof. The front of the house had a large and neat lawn with a classy fountain in the middle. Palm trees surrounded the property, giving privacy and a summer vibe. It was slightly bigger than JJ's place, and I thought I could see a pool behind it. It reminded me of the place Team 10 and I had stayed in when we went to Ibiza. 

'It's nice, isn't it?' Tobi chuckled.

'It's fricking amazing.' I exclaimed, circling around and taking in everything around me. 

We walked into the house, entering into a large marble room. It was surprisingly cool compared to the temperature outside. I looked to the side of the room to see Mier stepping down a flight of stairs, munching on a Hershey's chocolate bar. She turned and saw us, and opened her mouth to speak.

'Everyone's upstairs chilling and watching friends.' She said, her words slightly mashed up due to the fact she had so much chocolate in her mouth.

'Thanks.' I replied, before she walked into another room. 'Tobi, where should I put these bags?' I asked, gesturing to the bags I was holding.

'Do you think we should wrap them up, first?' Tobi asked, scratching his head.

'Fuck, I forgot to get wrapping paper and gift tags.' I cursed.

'Don't worry, I bought some we can share.' Tobi reassured me. 

'Thanks.' I said graciously.

Tobi walked into a room on the left of the corridor, me following him. Inside, were some brown leather armchairs. Josh, Lux and Sarah sat either on the floor or in the armchairs. They were also holding presents. 

'Did you also come to wrap your presents?' Tobi asked.

'Yep.' Cal and Sarah said together, laughing cutely together.

'You guys are so cute.' I smiled, cosying into an armchair. 

'You're just single.' Sarah laughed, leaning back on Cal.

'I'm single by choice.' I did a dramatic hair flip.

'Suuuuure.' Sarah dragged out.

'Stop arguing children.' Josh said. 'We have presents to wrap and labels to write.' He said in a posh accent.

I pulled out everyone's present from the bags, taking a roll of wrapping paper. The wrapping paper was white with gold and silver dots.  

I wrapped everyone's presents up, one by one, adding the occasional message to some presents. I made sure to wrap the presents as neatly as possible, adding glitter tape when I used any tape at all. It was fair to say that I was content with the result. I picked up a turquoise felt-tip and picked out some birthday cards from the open packet of cards. I hovered my pen over the first Fortnite card, before starting to write.

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