Chapter 55

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'Hey, Tydus?' I asked the small blonde in the back of the car. Jay and Jake were conversating and talking about something that happened back at JoJo's house, and I had just remembered the llama plushie I had won for Tydus.

'Yeah?' He yawned. He had just woken up and was still really tired- it was honestly so adorable.

'I got you something from JoJo's place for you.' I said quietly, trying not to drag any attention onto us.

'Really?' He asked, sounding more awake.

'Yep.' I nodded. I reached into my bag and pulled out the plushie llama. 

Tydus took it and looked at it, turning it around in his hands. The llama was baby blue and overstuffed, so that it looked slightly chubby. He was fluffy, and soft, and had a little bow tie on his long neck.

'I love him! He's so fluffy.' Tydus exclaimed, cuddling the llama to his chest. 'What should I call her?'

'It's a girl-llama?' I asked.

'Yeah.' Tydus said. 'This shade of blue makes it a girl.'

I smiled at his cute logic. Tydus was one of the only toddlers I knew who were cute, and not annoying.

'What girl names do you like?' I asked. 

'Is there a Greek God who has anything to do with the colour blue?' He asked, looking up at me with his big brown eyes. I was relatively surprised he wanted to name the toy after a God or Goddess of some sort. Most children his age would (as far as I know) probably just name it after their favourite cartoon character, or just a random name.

'I'm pretty sure that there's one with the name Aether.' I recounted from a textbook I had read some time ago. 'You could use that, or adapt it to a modern name.'

'Heather.' Tydus stated. 'She's called Heather.'

'That's a great name.' I smiled.

'Thank you for getting me this.' He beamed.

'Aw, it's no problem.' I smiled, reaching over and giving him a little hug.

'This is honestly so cute.' I heard Jake say quietly from the front of the car. I turned around to see him with his vlogging camera out, pointed at us.

'I swear to God you use that camera as a CCTV surveillance system.' I laughed as I turned back and wiggled into my seat. 'But on a real note- don't keep that in the vlog.' I said seriously. 

'Why not?' Jake asked, confused. 

'I don't want public seeing me being softer than marshmallow spread or some...' I bit my tongue, remembering Tydus shouldn't be hearing cussing. 'something.' I finished.

'Good save.' Jake laughed dorkily, positioning his camera under his face so that he looked dumb as ever. 

'Seriously, Jake.' I tried not to smile. 

'Fine.' He rolled his eyes.

'You're not going to cut it out, are you?' I questioned.

'Nope.' He said, popping the P. I groaned and lay back in the car, deciding to get some rest until we had arrived.


'Addie I swear I will drag you out of the car if you don't get up.' 

'I'll shove my handbag up your-' I started mumbling.

'LANGUAGE!' Trav yelled. 

I groaned and opened my eyes. 

'Morning.' Jake was holding up his vlogging camera and grinning.

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