Chapter 67

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'Well, the Sidemen know no bounds, ladies and gentlemen.' JJ said loudly to his camera, squinting from the sun's light and looking around at all of us.

We had arrived at Finsbury Park a few minutes ago, when Josh told us we were filming a hide and seek. We got a quick tour of the Park before we were guided back to just in front of the stage to start filming. We were all currently stood in a circle with our cameras out, waiting for the intro before we could all start going. 

'We are here, at Wireless, doing a hide and seek.' JJ continued. I started holding the camera at different angles, trying to show the viewers what Wireless looked like. If the part I was currently recording was actually put in the video, that is.

'That's just crane annoying.' Ethan commented, pointing to the crane behind us which was making some noises but was also stationary.

A few others and I groaned at how bad his pun was, Simon and Tobi abusing him with words. Them and JJ said some more things before JJ went on to explaining the rules.

'Alright, so I'm going to count to fifty, you guys can try hide, and I'm going to try find you.' JJ explained to us and the camera simply.

Vikk and Ethan asked him to actually explain it properly, but JJ just started counting.

'One... Two...' He started. That was enough to get everyone criticizing what he was doing.

'Turn around and count with your eyes closed!' We all shouted at him. Not in synchronisation of course- that would be creepy.

'A'it, A'it!' JJ shortened his speech and turned around, counting again. 'One... Two...'

We all started running in the opposite direction to him, apart from Simon. I looked back and saw Simon hugging JJ from behind.

'KSIMON IS REAL!' I yelled at them whilst running backwards. Simon laughed and got off JJ, running and catching up with the rest of us.

We all ran past an 'A' sign before scattering around.

'Harry, where are you planning on hiding?' I asked since he was going in the same direction as me. I started panting slightly from running. 'I plan on going up in a tree.'

'Same.' Harry panted. 'I'm boosting Vikk into one, too.'

'Yeah, can we stop running, now?' Vikk requested, running up to us.

'I agree.' I stopped running and started walking, trying to keep up with Harry.

'Wait a minute- what'll happen when I've boosted you up into a tree?' Harry asked Vikk.

'You find your own spot.' Vikk shrugged.

'I... I've been stiffed here.' Harry laughed.

'Or we could chill in the same tree.' Vikk suggested. 'If we find a good tree, us three could be tree gang.'

'Great.' Harry and I mentioned at the same time.

We walked in a comfortable silence around some buildings, listening to each other's heavy breathing and looking and hearing out for JJ.

'I think that was him saying he's coming to find us.' Harry said about JJ.

'Ah shit, we haven't even gotten into a tree, yet.' I cursed. 'Do we actually know where we're going, right now?' I asked the boys.

'Trust me, trust me- I spotted a good tree around here.' Vikk assured me. 'I want to hide in... that one there.'

'But no!' Harry exclaimed. I couldn't even see which tree Vikk was pointing to. 

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