Chapter 43

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JJ whipped the blindfold off excitedly, his smile faltering when he was faced with a boring brick building.

'Turn around dumbass.' I laughed.

He turned around.

'SURPRISE!' Everyone shouted.

JJ stared at them, mouth open in shock. He then looked behind them to see the yacht.

'Fam, this looks sick!' He exclaimed, running his hands through his dreadlocks. 'But why did you go to the extent of gagging, blindfolding and handcuffing me?' He asked.

'Addie did it.' Simon pointed to me.

'Well Viddal told me to.' I pointed at Viddal.

'Well Harry was the one who came up with it.' Viddal pointed to Harry.

'Well Will was the one who bought them.' Harry pointed at Will.

Will said nothing and instead rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, before walking onto the yacht. We laughed at him before following him on board.

'You look great, by the way.' JJ grinned, looking me in my eyes, and surprisingly not up and down my body.

'Thanks.' I smiled. I looked at what he was wearing. A pair of black swim trunks, a light pink, short sleeve beach shirt with the buttons undone which showed his slightly less structured abs, and a sidemen xix chain around his neck. He also sported some black Yeezys. 'You look nice too.'

'I mean, I did put in some effort.' He smirked, popping up his collar cockily. 

I rolled my eyes, a smile evident on my face. 

Loud music was being played on the yacht and I could see Marcel at the top with his headphones on, jumping around and hyping the crowd. The music was so loud that I could feel the vibrations of the bass going through the ground.

We stepped on the boat, feeling it rocking slightly. Jack almost immediately weaved his way through the crowds, handing Josh a tray of shots. 'Enjoy.' Jack winked, before returning to the bar.

Josh put the shots on a nearby table, waving at all of us to come over. We all picked one up.

'Cheers.' We grinned, clinking the small glasses together and throwing our heads back, downing the shots. I coughed as the dry liquid went down my throat, setting my taste buds on fire. I thought the alcohol was a mix of cherry Pepsi, and vodka, but I really couldn't tell. 

 Feeling slightly more loose and boundaryless, the girls and I went onto the middle of the boat where there was a crowd of people all dancing to the music Marcel was playing. I listened to the slightly distorted music that was playing. I made it out to be one of my currently favourite songs. It was a remix of Friends, by Anne-Marie and Marshmello. 

'HAVEN'T I MADE IT OBVIOUS?!' We shouted, all of the girls jumping around crazily. 'HAVEN'T I MADE IT CLEAR? WANT ME TO SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU, F-R-I-E-N-D-S.' I laughed, screamed and danced to the song with the girls, and before I knew it- the song was over and I was walking to the bar for more alcohol. I had only had one strong shot so far, which had given my a short buzz of confidence, but I could feel it wearing away. 

I brushed past bodies, on my way to the bar to get more alcohol. 

'Sorry.' I apologised in a monotone voice as I banged into people.

I made it to the bar, seeing Jack. He grinned and excused himself from a conversation, sliding across the bar towards me.

'What can I get for you?' He beamed.

'Anything with strong alcohol.' I giggled, wanting to feel the buzzing feeling stronger.

'Right up.' He went under the bar and came back with an average sized glass. He put in it some vodka, peach schnapps, orange juice, and then cranberry juice. He topped it off with a cherry and slice of lemon skewered on the rim. He popped a straw in and slid it towards me

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