Chapter 7

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Simon's head stuck out of the window with a grin plastered on his face. The door of the minibus opened revealing a bearded man in the drivers seat.

'Come on in.' He grinned.

We flashed a smile back before stepping in. I looked around at everyone in the bus. 

*I know that Addie probably wouldn't know the boys names, but for the sake of making this easier to explain, let's just say she does.*

I looked on both aisles of the bus, looking for a spare seat. On the left, was:

Freya and Talia

Niko and JJ

Tobi and Vikk

Harry and Chip

Lux and Freezy

WillNE and Simon

And on the right was:

Tobi and Vikk

Deji and Lewis

Gee and Mier (WillNe's gf)

Saorise (Tobi's gf) and Nia (JJ's GF)



I saw that Ethan and Viddal weren't sitting next to anyone, so I quickly sat next to Viddal and let Alissa sit next to Ethan. I sat down and looked at Viddal.

'Hey again.' I smiled. He looked at me joyfully before pulling me in for a bone-crushing hug. I laughed and pushed him away.

'I've missed you so much.' He grinned.

'Same bro.' I replied.

'So, what's new?'

'Well I got a girlfriend' He started.

'Oooooh, what does she look like?' I asked. He showed a picture of her and she was downright gorgeous. She had long black wavy hair and gorgeous honey brown eyes.

'If I was lesbian I'd fuck that.' I said in awe. I heard some people laugh around the bus. 'Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud.' I said, laughing with everyone.

'Well, what about you?' He asked.

'Uhm, went out with Alex from team ten, broke up with him when he cheated on my for some other random YouTuber. I bleached my hair, took up dance, also joined YouTube, decided to try my luck in the music industry and succeeded, took up modelling and went to fashion week in Milan, started a charity for homeless people and I got my driving license!' I rambled. Viddal looked at me shocked, and I could feel many other pairs of eyes on me.

'Hey, you told me you still hadn't gotten your driving license?!' Alissa said from behind me.

'Sorry, I just didn't want to drive you.' I shrugged and laughed.

I looked outside the window to see a massive club with flashing lights and 2 burly bodyguards standing at the entrance. 

'Jeez guys, look at that.' I looked at the club in awe. I hadn't gone out partying in a long time since I didn't like very loud places, and couldn't make eye contact with people for more that a few seconds before feeling pressured or scared. As Josh parked, we all ogled at the club. We stepped outside before Talia invited me over to talk to the girls.

'Hey, I'm Addie.' I introduced.

'Blood hell,  we all know who you are.' Saorise Said.

'We're actually fans.' Freya laughed.

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