Chapter 53

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I mumbled something random as I woke up, feeling hard plastic earphones in my ears. I turned around and looked at my phone which had switched off, but was still propped up on the nightstand. I groggily picked up my phone and opened it up, seeing that I hadn't closed the WhatsApp tab I was on. I could remember JJ and I's long call which I had fell asleep in, ad swiped back onto JJ and I's text page, to see that he had sent a message.

JJ: U fell asleep in the call so i ended it so u could sleep

JJ: Gn

JJ: Good morning actually, since it's after 12am

I laughed and replied.

Addie: Morning :))

I closed the tab and switched my phone off, laying it flat against my nightstand. I groaned and swore when I realised JoJo's party was today. At least I would get to see Tydus again.

I got up from the bed and stretched before taking a few steps over to my bathroom. I used it and start brushed my teeth, also taking a shower and patting myself dry with a towel. I really couldn't be bothered to wait for my hair to dry, so I got my hair dryer and plugged it in, drynig strands of hair at a time. 

After my hair was dry, I put on a pad and some sliders and walked down the stairs for some cereal.

'Morning.' Chad nodded. 

'Morning.' I said back, pouring milk on top of my chocolate chip mini Weetabixes and chucking a spoon in. I realised I had forgotten to bring my phone down and would have to do nothing.

'Your hair is fading.' He nodded to my hair. I knew that the pinky-orange colour was fading and my usual blonde and bleached hair was becoming more prominent. Especially from the roots.

'I know.' I nodded, taking a spoon of weetabix and finshing that before answering. 'I really liked the colour- but I also can't be bothered to dye it back.'

'I reckon you should dye it blue.' He laughed.

'Blue is a sick colour.' I agreed. 'It would just clash with everything I wear.'

'I get you.' He nodded, looking down at his phone.

I finished my cereal in silence before placing my bowl in the sink and going back upstairs to find something to wear. 

I remembered what Jake told me to wear, and picked out a white cropped top made out of a ribbed material with a halter neck. I paired it with a plain black pleated skater skirt which was just above knee length, and some long white socks. 

I looked in the mirror and realised I looked like a school girl, so I also put on a blue denim jacket that had loose ends at the bottom, also adding a few golden accessories.


I could put also put on my Converse ankle shoes just before we went out. 

I looked at the clock on my watch to see that it was already twelve o'clock. Already? When did I get up?!

I wondered what to do today- I mean before JoJo's party.

I threw my laptop onto the bed along with my headphones and myself, before opening it up, lugging my headphones in, and going onto YouTube. I decided I was going to look through a few of Erika's and Jake's YouTube videos. 

I clicked the first one that came up, which happened to be a video of them being handcuffed together. Must have been the video that they filmed yesterday.

I clicked and watched it through, laughing when Erika had to use the toilet in the café, and they started arguing over going to the men's or women's toilets- eventually going into the disabled toilets.

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