Chapter 35

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'Addie?' JJ said from the other side.

'Why the Hell did you knock on the door so hard? You gave me a fucking heart attack!' I exclaimed.

'I knocked with a normal amount of force!' He defended himself.

'Well then you have some hulk-ass strength.' I retorted.

'You're damn right I do.' I could hear him smirking. 'But never mind that, I came to ask whether you're alright. You've been in there for a long time.' 

'Oh, I'm having a bath, and I swear I have been in here for less then ten minutes.' 

'Yeah right.'

'Yeah, well I've only spent about ten minutes in the bath so far.'

'Than what the hell have you been doing for the rest of the time?'

'I put a bath bomb and bubble mixture into the bath, and also lit some candles.' I said. I realised how weird that sounded after I had said it. Nobody actually has a bath and lights candles, even though people in movies do. 

'What type of bath bomb?' He asked.

'Galaxy.' I responded. 'You can come in and see.' I said.

'Wait, what?' I could hear the incredulity in his voice. I knew it sounded strange.

'The colour is so dark and opaque you can't see my body... Plus I can cover myself with the bubbles.' I shrugged, the water around me rippling.

I heard the clicking of the handle being pushed down, so I quickly dragged some bubbles up to cover my body, even though it was already covered.

'It's so steamy in here.' JJ coughed.

'It's because there's hot water here, dumbass. It's going to condense.' I rolled my eyes. He looked at me, and his eyes widened.

'Fucking hell- the bath looks like a fucking glitter bomb.' He exclaimed.

'I know right? I got the bath bomb from Lush as a birthday gift, and it's sooo cool!' I rambled.

'When is your birthday?' He asked.

'October the 6th. I'm a Libra.' I informed him. 'You?'

'I was born of the 19th of June. I'm a Gemini.' He replied, coming and sitting on the edge of the bath.

'Wait... you're joking...' I said.

'No, why?' He asked.

'That was literally two weeks ago, and all you did was record videos all day?' I asked skeptically.

'I mean- yeah, we were actually planning on going and celebrating it tomorrow.' JJ explained.

'Oh... okay.' I replied.

Neither of us had anything to say, and we suddenly realised how awkward this was- especially since I was naked (Even though the water was opaque and he couldn't see me- it was still pretty awkward knowing I was naked underneath). 

Suddenly, someone burst through the door. It was Simon and Talia. Talia was giggling oddly high pitched, and Simon was holding her hand and leading her in, also laughing. Somehow, they didn't to notice JJ and I at all. Talia's back hit the wall, and she giggled when Simon placed his arms around her, pinning her arms on either side of her body.

It was all very un-Simon and un-Talia. They were usually more down to earth and had playful childish arguments- but not the giggly, cute couple type.

Talia was looking up at Simon, him doing the same. He brushed a strand of Talia's short brunette hair out of her face, and leaned down. He started kissing her, Talia kissing him softly back. I looked incredulously at JJ who had an intrigued, but also disgusted look on his face.

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