Chapter 68

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Once we were out of their hearing range, I pushed myself up on JJ's back and leaned oveer so that I could just about see his face.

'You do know that I can walk on my own, right?' I asked.

'I mean, you're the one on my back right now.' He shrugged.

'But I could've walked.' I reminded him. 

'But in the possibility that you minorly injured your leg, walking would increase pressure on the bone which could result in a hairline fracture.' He explained. 'And you know how long the treatment is for that? It's seven weeks of making sure you walking around on crutches and making sure you don't put pressure on your leg, to allow the bone to heal as soon and steadily as possible.'

'Since... How do you know that?' I asked in sheer curiousity.

'I need to know about injuries and shit like that.' JJ explained. 'I box, and need to be it 'perfect condition', which means I need to know about what could worsen anything.'

'Well let's stop talking about my pain.' I shook my head and smiled, realising I hadn't asked him, yet. 'Are you alright? I'm really sorry for falling on you, back there.'

'Bro, I'm fine.' JJ laughed at the concern I showed. The sound of his laughter made my small smile break out into a grin. 'I've sparred with pretty fucking massive guys, before. You pulling me down whilst you fell was nothing.' 

'I feel kinda bad for doing it, now.' I said in hindsight. 'I probably could've moved back from the spider, or just fallen on the other side of the tree where nobody was standing.'

'If you had, you probably would've broken your ankle.' JJ told me as we entered the outside where we had parked the car. 'Plus none of the boys would've been able to record the moment.'

'Ah, that would be disastrous.' I said from the heart. 'Wait, they did record it, didn't they?'

'Simon happened to be discreetly recording you whilst I was on the call, and got everything.' JJ grinned.

'Gee, so this video went wrong twice.' I realised as JJ clicked the car keys, making Simon's Tesla bleep.

'Pretty much.' JJ agreed, turning around and crouching down. I opened the car door and slid off JJ's back, into the boiling leather seats.

'Thanks for giving my that piggy-back.' I smiled and thanked JJ.

'It's calm.' JJ shook his head and smiled. He rested his hands on the frame of the car around the door and looked at me. We shared a comfortable silence for a few seconds where we just enjoyed each other's presence. 

I studied his features. If you were to name every one of his single features, he would sound like quite a weird guy with a weird looking face. Flat, large(ish) nose, large lips, thin and almost colourless brows, gleaming white teeth, his chiselled jawline, and his black, short beard. It all sounds so unattractive, but his face, on the whole? Jesus it's a masterpiece.

I was snapped back out of my thoughts when JJ's eyes flickered down to my lips momentarily. I barely had a moment to react or do anything really, before JJ leaned down and tilted his head, attaching my lips to his. He kissed hungrily and I leaned back slightly from shock and from how roughly he was kissing- but don't get me wrong- he was a great kisser. I quickly looked around and made sure that nobody was looking, before closing my eyes and kissing back, relishing the moment. He pushed his body against mine, and I shifted back in the back seats, laying down and allowing him to come in, too. He pushed me against the back of the leather seat and bit my lip gently, making me emit a moan. JJ seized the opportunity when I opened my mouth, pushing his tongue in and exploring every inch of my mouth with his. 

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