Chapter 47

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'It's not polite to take pictures of people who are asleep.' I groaned, raising my head from the pillow named JJ. 'And I think that's the second time I've said that, today.' I commented, pushing my shades up and off my eyes before squinting due to how bright it was.

'Never mind that- you and JJ need to get off.' Sursh said, shoving her phone in her pocket almost immediately. 

'Why just us?' I asked. 'Aren't you guys coming in?' 

'Nah, we're just going to go home and make some YouTube videos or something.' Ethan said.

'Anyways, I suggest you go in before Josh just drives back home with you guys in the bus, too.' Laura said, giving me a pat on the back. I picked up my bag and looked at the sleeping JJ.

'JJ.' I poked his arm. 'JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ.' I repeated.

'Oh my fucking God, I'm up.' He groaned, sliding his sunglasses on and slowly getting up. 'You could've just said my name.' I rolled my eyes and smiled, jumping out of the minibus and walking up the drive and into the house. 

I kicked off my shoes at the door and wondered what I had to do. 

'I need to go and pack for Wireless, and for seeing Jake and Logan.' I said, clicking my fingers as I said so.

'I have fuckall to do.' JJ shrugged, flopping on the couch and grabbing the TV remote.

I walked up the stairs and into my room, taking the familliar suitcase out of a cabinet and sighing. 

'ADDIE?' JJ yelled from downstairs.

'WHAT?' I yelled back.


'COMING.' I walked down the stairs and leaned on the wall, waiting for him to talk.

'You need to pack everything you brought here. I was just renting this place for some time, but when we go back to England- we're staying not coming back here...' JJ said uneasily, like he expected me to have an outburst.

'Okay.' I shrugged.

'That's it...?' He asked.

'I mean, it's not like you were permanently going to be staying in America.' I shrugged.

'I know, I just thought you might react differently.' He replied.

'I'm not a psycho who would start crying and slashing your tyres trying to prevent you from leaving.' I laughed

'Thank God.' He laughed.

'Anyways, I'm going to back and pack everything.' I backed out of the room, walking up the stairs and into my room. 

I laid my suitcase in the middle of my bed and started by folding the Wireless outfits and placing them one by one in the suitcase. I next walked over to the wardrobe and threw the majority of my clothes in, leaving the hangers on them. I left an outfit for tomorrow in the wardrobe, before chucking my trainers into the suitcase, too. I looked at the two pictures on my bedside table- one of Jake, Alissa, Logan and I- and the other of me, the sidemen, their girlfriends, and friends. I smiled a slightly before putting them carefully in the case and wondering what I had to put in, next. I looked at my setup on the desk and groaned. They would be a nightmare to pack- thank God there was a roll of bubble wrap in the back of the cabinet. 

I picked up the roll of bubble wrap and started wrapping and sellotaping it around my setup pieces, detaching them and placing them into the suitcase. Thank God I had brought a large suitcase. 

Once I had packed the computer and everything, I peeled the LED lights out of the room and put them in the bin. It was a shame that they weren't reusable. 

I flopped on my bed and sighed, realising I was done. I had left an outfit, my laptop, my phone, and toiletries out for tomorrow, which I could shove into the suitcase just before going. 

I picked up my phone which was by my side on the bed. I read the time off it. It was two o'clock. I groaned and slammed my phone back down on the bed, sitting up and dragging my laptop closer towards me. I should probably edit and post a video on YouTube. I browsed through the videos I had filmed, selecting the one I had filmed with Talia, in which I adequately did her makeup. 

I connected my airpods to the laptop and watched the video through, firstly adding in some intro and outro music. I next watched through the video, adding a few "that's what she said" memes to the things Talia and I said. I also added in a few effects and zooms into our faces when we said something dumb or were showing the camera the makeup products we were using.

Content with the video, I watched it through one last time before uploading it to YouTube. I watched as the views and likes flooded in for about sixty second, before shutting down my laptop and sliding it away from me. I opened up my suitcase, again and looked at the clothes I had bought earlier. I hadn't tried them on, and perhaps now would be a good time to do so. 

I took out the clothes and walked into the bathroom, piling them on the side of the sink. I stripped out of my clothes and put on the first outfit- the camouflage pink cargo pants and a white, one-shoulder crop top with a cut-out just below the chest. I walked out of the bathroom and looked at myself in the full sized mirror. The two garments matched, and the shite crop top showed to bottom of some of my cleavage. I was completely OBSESSED with the pants, too.

I walked back into the bathroom, changing into the next outfit, which was the cropped yellow tee-shirt with NEW YORK written just above a black and white checked line. I had bought a yellow skirt and black and white checked belt to go with the top. I put the outfit on and checked it out in the mirror outside. The top gave me super cute retro vibes, and the skirt matched perfectly- the belt making completing the outfit perfectly. 

Content with that outfit, I switched the top to the bandana top I had bought later in the shop. I struggled putting the top on and knotting it at the back- but all the struggle was worth it, because it looked amazing. It was a triangle shape and showed the underneath of my boobs from the sides, but wasn't over-revealing. 

I walked back into the bathroom and pulled up the teddy, shoving the beige shorts on afterwards. I already knew what the teddy looked like on it's own, and adored it- but with the shorts too, I loved it even more. I tightened the belt around my waist and looked at my thighs. They looked slightly big in the shorts. I had never liked the way my thighs looked large- but people didn't usually notice, so I tried not to care or notice, either.

I walked back into the bathroom and took my clothes off, and was about to put on my original clothes, when I saw the stuff I had bought from Victoria's secret. I shrugged and picked up the snake teddy. I struggled around with all of the random lines of fabric, but eventually managed to slide into it. It felt weird. I walked out of the bathroom and looked at me reflection in the full length mirror. It certainly lived up to what they were expected to look like. I heard the door opening behind me, and whirled around to see JJ.

'I came t- Wow.' JJ's mouth dropped open as his eyes raked up and down my body. I felt slightly awkward and tried back out and back into the bathroom, but he came up to me and put his hands on my arms, kissing me. 'I am so fucking lucky.' He said between kisses as we moved towards the bed...


This was a pretty shit chapter :/ And I mean it was shit because of the content, length, and pace of it.

Sorry about that, guys.

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