Chapter 27

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I closed my eyes and invited the black spots that were clouding my vision. I was sinking to the bottom of the ocean. We were out in the deeper areas of the ocean, and the bottom was still a long way away. The deeper I got, the colder the water became. It felt like I was being stabbed with needles from every direction. I could feel my hair, floating around my face and tickling my cheeks. Did you feel anything when you were dead? More ultimately, what happens when you die? Several thoughts clouded my mind. I opened me eyes one last time. I could see light streaming through the water, illuminating and highlighting the ocean the most beautiful teal blue shade. What a beautiful place it would be to die in.

I felt something around my waist and stomach. Probably the seaweed at the bottom of the ocean. I could feel the water becoming warmer. More bearable. I could see that the light was coming closer. I felt myself take a deep breath in. A deep breath of air. Air... I was meant to be dead, wasn't I?

I opened my eyes before closing them again. It was too bright. I tried to sit up.

'Whoa, you might not want to move.' A voice said. A familiar voice.

'J...J...?' I managed to croak out.

'Shh, you've been unconscious for about 15 minutes. You might want to take a few deep breaths and get used to your surroundings.' His calm voice rang out. I lay down for a few minutes, regulating my breathing and getting used to the bright sun. I opened my eyes and squinted.

'Here, you might want this.' Chuckled JJ, handing me my golden sunglasses. 'You were mumbling some strange things whilst you were out.'

I put my sunglasses on and recollected all of the negative thoughts I had had. That wasn't like me. I was usually bouncy, happy, hyperactive and positive. I wasn't meant to think so negatively. Why was I being so negative? Life was something that should be valued. We're all going to die one day- why die sooner?

'Hey, want to go get ice-cream?' I asked abruptly.

'Are you sure, I mean you just-'

'Yes.' I cut JJ off. 'I may have just drowned, but I'm not leaving the beach without having ice-cream.' I confirmed.

'Okay.' He smiled. 'ANYONE WANT TO GET ICE-CREAM WITH US?' He hollered to the guys and girls who were along the beach doing their own things. Nobody noticed JJ. 'Okay, let's go.' He grinned, offering his hand. I slipped my hand in his.

'Simon's really sorry you know.' JJ informed me.

'What for?' I asked.

'Toppling you over... You do remember right?' JJ asked, confused.

'It never was his fault.' I laughed. 'I should have just swam to the surface. It wasn't even that deep. To be honest, I don't really know why I didn't swim up to the surface...'

'You were probably in shock.' JJ said. I nodded in agreement. Possibly I was. 'Hey, do you know where the nearest ice-cream parlour is?' JJ asked.

'Oh yeah, I saw it when Josh was driving us here. It's just around this road.' I informed him. We walked in a comfortable silence to the parlour, taking in everything we could see around us.

'Wait, Addie, you're only in a bikini, and I'm only wearing swimming shorts.' He said, stopping me just outside the ice-cream shop.

'Oh, don't worry, nobody really cares whether you go in like this. They're used to it.' I shrugged, opening the door and walking into the parlour. I walked up to the counter where there was a small girl working.

'Hi, welcome to Izzy's Ice Cream Parlour, what can I get for you?' She asked cheerily.

'Can I get a uhh... Strawberry with chocolate sauce and a flake?' JJ asked.

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