Why'd he do it?

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So many of y'all have been wondering why Jimin did what he did. I don't blame you, I'd wanna know too honestly. First, how are y'all?? Good I hope. If not, I'm free to talk if you need. :,>

Anywaysssss, I've answered a comment or two about why he did it. But I figured I'd go ahead and make this to explain it since it's my fault for not including it in the actual story💀 my bad y'all.

I'll be honest, I wrote this like 3ish years ago. Like I spent a long time writing this story. So not counting the publishing date, it's more like 4 years. Crazy, I know. To think I wrote this in middle school and now I'm almost a junior (just one more week till school is out ;-;)

Ah, anyways, here's why Jimin did that - he was basically just jealous💀 that's the most simplest way of putting it. He didn't like how much attention Hoseok gave Yoongi, he didn't like how easy it was for Yoongi to make his way in Hoseok's life. Y'all imma be honest, cause I think it's funny. I forgot why tbh. Like I've been writing so many other stories (yet to come ;>) that I completely forgot. Like I had a backstory at one point for Jimin, but I never wrote it down bc I'm an idiot. So yeah. I had to go back and read comments of me explaining it cause I deadass couldn't remember if what I was thinking, was correct.

Sorry for the late explanation 💀

Anywayssss (I say that a lot huh.)

Ik y'all probably read this cause of smut warning (idk that's why I used to click on stories). uhhhhh I have a new story coming out soon (hopefully). It's not yoonseok, but it is haikyuu. It's another Kita Shinsuke x Reader. I say another bc I have more of those in my drafts than I'd like to admit💀

Not the point. I'm like 8 chapters in I think, and it's all smut💀 one chapter is over 4,000 words and I haven't even finished lmao. So if y'all wanna read smut, there ya go haha. Dw, it has plot. Idk how long it'll be. Definitely not as long as this one heh. 

Sigh, I hope y'all are doing well and accept my shitty explanation💀 there's no excuse honestly. Like I should've wrote this wayyyy sooner so it could have been decent, but here we are 😀

Lmao bye y'all, you guys make me so happy with all these comments. You guys are funny ✋😭 (and yes I read them ALL) (I have no life) (also I'm at school right now💀 feels a bit risky to type this in class but oh well haha)

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