Chapter 11 - Hoseok

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We arrived at Yoongis house and just as I planned, no one is home. "Go find the office. Don't leave any evidence! When you find a locked box come get me." I tell them. They all nod and carefully go through the back door. I don't touch anything as I walk up the stairs. I notice a door open and decide to see which room it is. Luckily it's Yoongis. I go inside and look around to see if I notice a bracelet. Which I don't sadly. But I may know where it's at...

Instead I go grab the blankets he asked for. I opened his closet and notice all his clothes. They're very bland and don't go with his personality at all. All jeans and button up shirts. Too boring for him. I ignore it and take the things he asked for. "A favor for a favor." I sigh out. On my way out I see a photo frame. I pick it up, its of an old woman and a small boy. I'm guessing this is the photo he wanted. It's quite small so I slip it into my pocket.

I go find the office with my men in it. "Take this to car. Put it in the passenger seat." I say to Namjoon. He does as told. "Have you found it?" I ask sternly. "Yes boss, it was in a locked drawer." Jimin tells me. "So he didn't move it." I mumble to myself as I recall Yoongi and I's conversation. "Open it." I tell Jungkook. He walks over and takes a quick look at it. Within seconds the lid pops open.

I reach inside and look through the papers. These are not my documents but his. This could also be useful to me. I place the papers back into the box and close it. "Bring it with us." I tell him.

"We have on more stop. Jimin, where did you take Yoongi from?" I ask. "From Springs Park by the duck pond sir." I nod in improvement. "Take me there."
As we arrived I told them to search for a bracelet. If they found one do not touch it but tell me. After a good ten minutes Taehyung called me over. "I found a silver bracelet with a piano charm boss." he says as he crouches over it. Yoongi never told me what it looked like but hopefully this is it. "Good job." I mumble as I reach down and grab it.

"Now, let's go home. It's starting to get dark."
Walking up the stairs I hear music. It's coming from Yoongis room. I reach in pocket and grab the photo. Might as well take him his things now.

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