Chapter 42 - Hoseok

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"Let's go?" I ask. He nods softly as I take his hand in mine. He intertwines our fingers as I lead him down the stairs, to the basement. Once we arrive at a door I punch in a few numbers on the keypad. After some seconds the door opens, revealing my "dungeon" as some would call it. I'd prefer torture chamber though...

"Where is he?" Yoongi mumbles. "This way." I guide him in front of a cell. Old fashioned, I know. "Y-Yoongi!" his father yells. He stays silent as his grip on me tightens. "What are you just standing there for?! Help your father!" he demands. Suddenly I have the urge to punch him in the mouth... Again. "F-father?" he questions. He walks forward and looks at him closer.

"Yoongi, why are you holding his hand?! Did you plan this?!" he screams at him. "Hey! Do not speak to him like that like." I warn him as I pull Yoongi into my arms. "Fucking homo, you're the reason I'm in here." his father mumbles. "The reason you're here, is because you did bad things. You not only stole from me Mr. Min, but you also abused my kitten." I said sternly as I run my fingers through Yoongi's hair. "Now, you're gonna pay for it." I mutter.

I turn around and call for Yoongi to follow, which he does. "H-hoseokie?" he whispers once we've entered a room. "Yes?" I ask as I look around. He stays silent though, "what is it?" I ask, turning around. "C-can you call me that again?" he shyly asks, a blush presenting itself. I stand there a bit confused, what is he talking about. Then I realize, I called him, my kitten...

I smirk as I walk towards him. I lean down and mutter into his ear, "beg for me." his face goes even more red as I tease him. "P-please hobi-ah?" he asks. I glare at him. "Please, Hoseok?" he breathes out, sounding needy. I decide to let him have what he wants... For now.

"Kitten, is mine." I growl lightly into his ear. I feel him shiver slightly. I watch as he bites his lip in anticipation. He wants something, and he wants it now. And if my kitten wants it, he gets it.

I reach down and remove his lip from between his teeth. I move quickly but smoothly as I put my lips on his. I deepen the kiss slightly as I slip my tongue in his mouth. He moans into the kiss once I place my hands on his waist.

I pull away and place my forehead on his, "hobi-ah, let's go fuck shit up." he mutters to me. I slightly get concerned about his mental health but then again who am I to judge? I kill for a living. "Alright then." I mumble as I stand up tall. "Choose your torture device." I say as I motion around the room.

He goes over and looks at the different whips and belts. "Do you got cigars?" he asks. I furrow by brows in confusion. "I have an idea." he mumbles. "What is it kitten?" I ask as I walk over. "I... I want him to go through what he put me through..." he whispers, barely audible. "Alright, good idea kitten." I Pat his head and grab the items we will need. "Which one do you want to use?" I ask. "I just want to watch..." he mutters. "You don't want in on the fun?" I ask. "I'd...rather just watch." he says as he looks away. "If that's what you want." I pull him into a hug and lead us back out.

Where did his confidence go? I quite honestly wanted to see him hurt his father but I guess at least this way I can make it dreadfully bad.

"Where do you want to start baby?" I ask before we begin. "A-Actually... I was wondering if you and someone else could... You know..." he says, motioning towards his father. I want to question his plans but decide not to... For now.
Jungkook walks around the corner with a bunny smile, "I was called?" he asks all excited, he actually enjoys this shit, so might as well call him down.

"You have free reign, make sure to really get his back with the whip." I say as I hand him over the things I was going to use. "Yoongi? What do you want to do?" I ask curiously. "Watch." he states. I chuckle lowly and sigh. "Alright." I take us in a room near by and flick the lights on, there's a couch and a huge window in front of us. Although we can see out of it, his father can not see inside of it. We are going to watch his torture in class.

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