Chapter 54 - Yoongi

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My body aches terribly. At this point in time I'm not sure how long I've been here for. All I know is that I can barely move. It hurts to breathe, and I smell so bad. I feel disgusting, I'm covered in my own pee and blood. I can't even move to go to the bathroom anymore, I don't know how much longer I can hold my poop in for... This is terrible.

I regret everything I ever said about wanting to be kidnapped. This is way worse than being with my parents... Although I wish I could've said a few words to Jin... Especially Hoseok. I really wish I could've said goodbye. I wish I could've told them how much they mean to me. How much I appreciate them. And how much I love them.

I'm ready, I'm ready to let all this pain go away. The only reason I hung on was for them, but I can't anymore. It's too much for me.

I close my eyes and take a few breaths. Please let me die already, Hoseok can move on, he'll find another person. Jin has Namjoon, so he will be fine without me. They all have each other, our little duck pond won't fall apart with only a duck gone. It'll all be ok, they will be just fine...

Finally, I can feel myself start to drift off. I finally feel at ease, I feel relaxed. For the first time in what seems like forever, I feel calm.

I keep falling in and out of consciousness until I finally black out.

I... Love you

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