Chapter 48 - Jin

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I walk into the building, what even is this place? It looks like a police station from the outside but it's completely different on the inside. I walk to the front and ask if anybody had seen my cousin. The lady at the desk gives me a questioning look. "Look, he was taken some months ago and I've searched everywhere for him, if you have any information on him I'd really appreciate it!" I say as a couple tears slide down my cheek.

"Name?" she simply asks. "Yoongi, min yoongi." her eyes widen. "Ah, there's some things you may need to know." I tilt my head. "I heard he fell in love with his kidnapper, poor boys mentally ill." I look in shock. There's no way in hell he has stalkholms syndrome. I've seen the way those two interact, they're more genuine than anyone else I've ever seen. I know for a fact they love each other, more than anything.

"Oh." I whisper. "I'd still like to see him, he is family. He's been through a lot." she nods her head. "First off, do you got any proof of family relations?" I nod my head, pulling out my fake certificate. "I started carrying it around after three others asked." sh him I response as she examines it. "Alright follow me." the lady says as she walks me to a closed off cell. This is terrible.

But I opened the door too was worse than I can imagine. On the floor lay little yoongi, balled up and shaking. He kept mumbling to himself and cried. He was having an attack and no one was doing anything! Maybe what Hoseok told me will actually clam him down.

I rush over the small boy and wrap him in my arms, "Hoseok's coming for you." I whisper into his ear. Almost immediately his breathing calms down. He takes a few seconds to process my voice, "j-jin hyung?" he asks as he look up. I smile at him and he burries himself in my chest. "I-im so sorry!" he cries out. "Don't be. It is not your fault. You should Hoseok, he keeps beating himself up." he looks with wide eyes. "H-hoseokie..." he whispers. "Jinnie hyung, they told me I have stalkholms syndrome..." he mutters. I shake his head lightly. "Do you believe them?" I ask. He shakes his head furiously, "not a bit!" I chuckle. "Good, because he loves you just as much, if not more." he smile from ear to ear. "I really needed to hear that!" I smile sadly. How did this happen?

"Yoongi." I ask as I examine him some more. He look pale yet he's red and bruised on his arms. I know Hoseok did not do that. He tilts his head. "What... What happened in here?" I ask carefully. He looks away, "yooni tell me." I say softly. "Hyung... They hurt me. A lot." he only been here for a day if not two! How could he possibly be this damaged!? "What about your neck? Who did that to you? Will make sure th-" I get cut off when yoongi cover my mouth with his hand. He starts to blush?

"They... Didn't touch my neck..." my eyes widen. "Hoseok did." I start to get angry, how could that evil fuck! "I told him to." my face goes blank. Huh? "We uh... Maybe had sex... More than once." my eyes widen, "wait what-" he shushes me. "I'm sorry for not telling you hyung! I was going to tell you how I really felt about him but then he caught me at night and we uhm... Yeah. Then over the next few days we also... Had some moments so I couldn't even walk." I blink a few times. "Whaaa-" that's new...

"Yoongi hun, I'm not upset just surprised. I'm a bit concerned about your neck though, those bruises are really dark." he smiles a bit, it's a uhm, mix of hickies and being choked."

"Holy shit! Are you okay? I can't believe he hurt you like that!" I say concerned. "He wasn't the one who wanted to do it at first. I did." I lean back in surprise. "You... Wanted to be.. Huh?"

"Enough about that! When am I leaving?" he asks eagerly. "I'm not sure. Hoseok needs the placed mapped out. He's making sure this mission is perfect. He really wants to make sure he gets you back." he blushes as I talk. "I miss him hyung, I hate it here." I nod, "I'll tell him." I give him a smile. "You know he's trying his best right?" he nods his head and looks away with watery eyes. "I hope it's soon."

"Me too"

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