Chapter 19 - Hoseok

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"Jin hyung, tell me something." he turns from his sewing machine and looks at me. "You are... Close, with Yoongi?" I ask. He eyes me up and down before nodding cautiously. "Why is he not pleading for us to let him go? Why is he enjoying his time here?" and why is he not scared of me?

"Honestly, I am not sure. He doesn't talk much about himself." Jin says. I nod as I take my leave.

I've been trying my hardest to act decent so I don't do anything I regret. Yet this male keeps making my temperature rise. Not yelling at someone who demands me around and bothers me is quite difficult. Maybe I should set some rules? What would that do, it does not matter either way.

This past week has been hectic. Trying to care for someone else is not how I imagined this. I thought he would cry and stay in his room and refuse to eat or get up. Definitely did not expect someone to want to be here.

"Oof" I look down as a thud catches my attention, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Shit." Yoongi? I didn't even notice anyone was around. "Ah" he was looking at his hands on the ground. Wait, did he try to catch himself? I sigh as I grumble a few cuss words. This day has not been very enjoyable.

I crouch down to look at his bandaged palms. I carefully graze over them, noticing spots of blood appearing. "Fuck." I pick him up quickly and take him to medical. I had to send Namjoon and my medics on a... Trip... So this means I have to fix this.

I place him on the table and get the supplies I'd need. "I-Im sorry." he mumbles in between silent sobs. I don't say a word as I take off his bandages. I was right, he landed on his hands incorrectly and broke stitches. Sadly, it's my fault as well for not paying attention.

"This will hurt." I deadpan as I clean the wound once more. He squirms slightly and bites his lower lip. "I have to remove the broken stitches and replace them." I warn him. "C-can I be put to sleep?" he whispers, I feel his body shiver since I'm holding his wrists. I sigh and look around the room. Great, he took the anaesthetics.

"There are no anaesthetics." I simply reply. I watch as his eyes widen and tears began to overflow. "Yoongi, it will hurt. Try to stay calm." he nods. I take the tweezers and scissors to carefully remove his stitches. "You need to stop moving. I might accidentally cut you." he apologizes and looks away. Although he tried it just wasn't working.

I force him down and trap his hands in metal restraints as well as his feet. "I didn't want to do this but you couldn't stop moving." I did it so fast he was still processing what happened. I took the opportunity and got them removed. Now I have to replace them.

I thread the needle after disinfecting it. As I push it through the skin he let's out a yelp, almost a scream. After carefully finishing up I noticed how he had stopped making any noise. He had passed out. I'm not surprised.

But I am surprised, it went better than I thought. He wasn't screaming horribly nor refused. He tried to take it the best he could. Hm, very interesting.

I unlock his wrists and ankles with a sigh and gently pick him up. Once I've set him in my bed I place new bandages on. I've got to make sure he does not leave my sight. I refuse to risk another incident like this. I walk to my office him in my arms and finish what I had started before.

Although, him being helpless in restraints was... Arousing.

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