Chapter 2 - Yoon

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I stop by the park on my way home. As per usual I give the ducks my lunch. Which is just a slice of bread. I can't stay too long or else the will punish me for being late so I hurry on home. Which to no luck, I'm late by a few seconds. "Yoongi!" my father shouts. "Y-yes sir?" I stutter out. "You have been late all week. Now what do you got to say about this?." he says sternly. "It is my fault sir. I'm sorry sir." I tell him, not sure what else to say.

"You must take responsibility for your actions." He stumbles closer to me. "Yes sir." I mumble. "What!?" he yells and slaps me across the face. "Y-yes sir!" I say louder. I can feel my bottom lip start to quiver. Other than the slight sting on my cheek it didn't really hurt, I'm used to the pain by now. It's the yelling that gets to me.

He looks more angry than usual. Which is not good for me. He starts to get up in my face, the smell of alcohol lingering. "I'm the boss do you understand!?" he screams. I reply with another "yes sir." and shut my eyes tightly. I feel the sting of another hit. But it wasn't a hand. He and hit me with a belt on my face. I desperately want to hold my cheek but I know if I do I might get another. "Go to your room!" he shouts at me. I do as I'm told and run upstairs.

Today has been exhausting.

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