Chapter 20 - Jin

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I feel a vibration through my side. I take out my phone and answer it. "Office." was all I heard before the line went dead. Hoseok. I hurry so I don't get him frustrated. I stand outside and knock.

Once he opens the door for me I walk in and notice yoongi spinning in his desk chair. 'He never let's anyone touch what's his...' I think to myself as I stare at him. "I need you to change his clothes. Don't ask, do." I walk over to Yoongi and reach for him. "Ah, did I tell you to get him?" I stop in my tracks confused.

I hear the sound of his shoes as he comes near. I half expect to get a death glare to which I do receive. Yet I didn't expect him to pick Yoongi up like a child. I stood there in even more confusion. "Come." I snap out of it and follow.

He puts Yoongi down and is about to leave when I whisper to him, "his hands don't stop him from walking you know." I receive a grunt and a few mumbled curse words as he storms off.

"Hyung you don't have too." Yoongi sighs to me. "Well concluding the fact that I don't want to be murdered, I have to." I enter his room and go through his closet. "How about this pretty red skirt?" I ask. "Is it to much?" he asks. I examine the red tight silky skirt. It has a medium slit at the thigh and would fit him nicely in my opinion. "Sometimes being to much is better than not." he gives me a funny look but agrees on my choice.

Now for the top. "Yoongi hun, what type of shirt do you want?" I ask as I rummage through the different items. "How about a black one? I have these black shoes I wanna match with." he replies.

I pick out a few different shirts but one really catches my eyes. It's a black lacy bralette with a sweetheart neckline. "How about this?" I ask. I watch as his eyes light up. "Ooh! Yes, it's so pretty!" I place it on the bed and lift his sweater up. "Wai-!" I now see cuts and bruises all on his front side. I'm in shock to say the least. I know Hoseok has a temper but I never thought he would hurt someone this bad. I walk around and look at his back. It's even worse, there's long welts going down. Some look as if they just healed.

"Yoongi..." I whisper as I softly graze the marks. He flinches and I quickly remove my hand. "Let me see the rest of your body." I demand. He keeps his head down and mumbles ok. I completely remove his shirt and pants. Before I know it tears have started to form. Burn marks cover his pale forearms. His legs have no bruises, cuts, or deep gashes like his torso.

The burn marks is what throws me off, they are from cigars and Hoseok does not smoke. Which means my assumptions are untrue. So who did this?

"Yoongi, I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but I need to know who did this?" I watch as he looks away. I raise my hand to place on his shoulder but he flinches. He thought I was gonna hit him? Anger washes over me. "Yoongi, let's just put you in something comfy for now." I say as I grab a pair of small shorts and an oversized sweater.

I get him dressed and tell him to stay put. I needed to go before I explode. "Hoseok! I'm taking this." I say as I grab one of the many guns from his office. "He stands up and blocks the door. "Do not fuck with me right now. I'll be in the basement." he sighs and let's me through.

I need to let some steam off.

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