Chapter 28 - Jin

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I run down the Hall as fast as I can. "Yoongi baby?! I'm here!" I shout as I rush into his room. "Jinnie hyung?" he mumbles. I take in his features. Red puffy eyes, a runy nose, messy hair, dark bags. If I wouldn't of known any better I'd say he was sick.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I come sit next to him. He places his head on my lap and sighs. "Jinnie hyung, how come he said all those things." I run my fingers through his hair and ask, "what did he say?"

"He said he doesn't care about me and I'm a runt and I'm a bad habit he wants to get rid of. And it's all true. He shouldn't care and I shouldn't be here. But why did it hurt so bad? Why did his words stab right through my heart and break it into a thousand pieces?" I feel my heart ping at the boys words.

"I think I know why." I said with a sigh. "Maybe it's because you finally found your safety. You feel as if you are protected and even cared for. But then when he said those words, it hurt. It hurt because you felt that he cared about you. And it hurt mostly because you care for him." I explain in the best way I can.

"I-i care for him?" he mutters to himself. "It's just a hunch but I've seen the way you two interact. And I'd say you care about each other." he looks at me with big eyes. "Jin hyung, I'm only 17." I look at him in shock.

"You're not 18 yet?" he shakes his head no. "I will be in a month... Wait, that means I've been here for a month already!" I take a second and think.

"He got here then a week later his hands got cut then it took a couple weeks to heal then this last week was to make sure it fully healed. Which is why he probably went to Hoseok, to tell him he's all better now." I think to myself.

"How... How old is Hoseok anyways?" he asks shyly. "23." I respond. He looks at me in shock. "I know right, he's quite young."

"Jin?" I hum. "Does he really not care about me?" I shake my head. "Trust me hun, I think he cares more about you then he let's on." I give him a soft smile, which he returns one.

"Thanks hyung."

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