Chapter 60 - Yoongi

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"You're back!" I say happily as Hoseok comes and sits next to me. "I have something for you." he states. I tilt my head sideways. "I had it made after our first time, but it arrived while... You were gone." I can tell he's getting a bit frustrated at the thought of me being taken. "Hoseokie~ you didn't have too!" I say cutely to distract him. "You did good for me, so you deserve it." he looks away as he hands me the box. "Good for you?-" Jin mutters to himself confused. I watch as his eyes widen in realization. He slaps a hand over his mouth and stays quiet. I giggle as I look at the box.

It is a simple box but it's very pretty. It's mainly white but it has a beautiful black sparkly bow on the top. I remove the bow and finally open it. "Woah." my eyes sparkle a I look a the small object. It's a gold duck charm, for my bracelet! "Do you like it?" Hoseok asks. "I-I...I love it!" I exclaim. I feel my eyes water as I pick it up. "It's real gold by the way." he mentions. My eyes widen as I look over to Hoseok. "Although, I can't put a price on how much I like you-" he grabs my hand and looks into my eyes. "Yoongi, will you be my boyfriend?" my gummy smile shines brighter than it ever had before. I nod my head furiously, not able to say anything.

"Oh MY GoD! It's happening!!" Jin tells excitedly. I laugh a bit but focus on Hoseok once more, "Thank you Hoseokie." I mutter. My eyes sparkle as I watch his lips turn upward into a smile. I've never seen him smile before! He's so adorable... "You're smiling..." I say kinda surprised. "you said yes." I motion for him to come close. "Smile again?" he does as told and I poke his dimples. "Woah" I mumble. I smile and peck his lips. "Now I can check that off my bucket list." he gives me a confused look but chuckles. "We've kissed before." he says. "But- I've never kissed a smiling Hoseok, until now!" he shakes his head with a smirk.

"Ok you guys are literally adorable-" oh right, Jin is still here. "Jin hyung you and Namjoon hyung are way more cuter!" I exclaim. "He's right." Hoseok says which makes me confused, he actually thinks they're more adorable than us? "Our relationship is more hot than adorable." I blink a few times to process. He really doesn't sugar coat things. I gulp and look down with a faint blush. "Stop~ they don't need to know bout it~" I whine. "The only whining you're allowed to do is when you beg for me." he whispers into my ear. I feel my face heat up even more. "Ah- Hobi! Don't do that!" I say as I look up at him. "I'mma just leave-" I hear Jin say a he slips out the door.

His face is stern, he wasn't joking. "Oh, you're serious?" I say surprised. "I told you, you'd regret thinking you had the upper hand." I knew he liked to be in control... In everything. But I didn't expect him to become so dominate, and... It's kinda hot. But now is not the time for that, I can barely move my limbs. So him fucking my brains out isn't gonna help.

"Hobi, I can hardly move as is..." I say. "Then we better get your strength back." he says with a wink. I blink a few times, "you scare me sometimes." I mutter. He starts at me a few seconds before standing up. "Let's get started." a smile grows on my face and replaces my worries.

He removes my light blanket and hold his arm out. "Can you sit up?" he asks. I place my hands on the bed and try to lift myself up. I don't get too far before he pushed my back gently to help me. "You got it babe?" I smile slightly and nod. "I think so." I turn my body to the side so now my legs are dangling off. "You can't walk." he states. I scrunch my nose, "so mean!" he sighs and shakes his head. "You haven't used your legs in months." I Huff and attempt to stand.

"Woah!" I say quite loudly as I fall, Hoseok catching me before I hit the ground. "Ok... Maybe you were right." I mutter. "I told you." he says with a smirk. "Let's get you to Changbin." he sighs. "Changbin?" I ask. I've never heard of him before. "He will be your physical therapist, but if anything happens yo tell me." he gets serious at the end. Is he really jealous? Well I guess that's understandable. As far as I know this is his first relationship. Speaking of jealousy, his employees are all attractive, I don't know how he chose me out of them. "I promise, as long as you promise to do the same, about anybody!" I say with a pout.

"You... Don't trust me?" he asks. My eyes widen, I did not mean it in that way. "What? Of course I trust you! It is the others I don't trust. Does that mean you don't trust me?" he stiffens and goes silent." you don't..." I mutter. I feel tears start to brim my eyes. "Don't cry baby, I do trust you. It's just the thought of anybody doing things to you that only I can do, it makes me uneasy." I nod slightly, he wipes my tears and stands up, me in his arms.

About 10 minutes later I was sitting in a wheelchair next to Hoseok, watching him send daggers through Changbins head with his eyes. "Hobi, your stare won't kill him." I say. "My gun will." I hear hear him grumble under his breath. "Ah, no need to worry about that!" the male states. "I'm engaged." oh, but he looks so young! "But you're so young!" I say, surprised. "Yes well, my fiance and I love each other a lot so I proposed to him a couple years after college." my eyes sparkle at the boy. "Woah that's so cool! Tell me about him please?" I ask. He smiles slightly and nods. "His name is Felix, he's from Australia and we met when he came to study abroad for high school. He moved back for college, he actually asked me out his second year in Korea. He's the sunshine in my life and I couldn't imagine my future without him. Oh and his freckles, I love his freckles." I stare in adoration. "Hoseokieee do you hear this?? They sound so cute!" I tug on my boyfriends sleeve and he looks into my eyes. He stays like that for a while, searching, capturing my soul.

"So, shall we begin? You are welcomed to stay." Changbin says to us, mainly Hoseok. Hoseok sneers at him while he takes a seat.

Honestly I don't think he took his eyes off of us even once the whole time. And we didn't even do much. He got me some very light weights to test the waters and find the perfect weight for me to start with. We did a few rounds of ten on each arm and some stretches.

"That's all for today! We don't want to push you too far and make things worse." I give him a small smile and thank him for his time. "Ah, we will be on our way then." Hoseok says as he stands up and quickly pushes us out of there. "How will I get to my room in this wheelchair?" I ask. "The elevator." he deadpans. "Hey-" I mutter and pull on his sleeve. He leans down so our eyes meet. I place a kiss on his cheek and smile. "Don't stress over it ok? I have you and changbin hyung has Felix hyung!" I state. "You are already calling him hyung." he glares at the elevator doors as we approach them. "Out of respect." I say, chin held high. "Don't be jealous, although I don't mind it, there's no need for it." he grumbles a few non coherent words and sighs. "Fine."

...~You're so cute when you're jealous~...

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