Chapter 49 - Yoongi

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Ever since Jin left a couple days ago they interrogated me. They kept asking questions like, "was that really family?" and "how come we didn't know about him?" I told them ye he was family, which isn't a lie he is like family to me. And I told them he kept to himself a lot and liked to keep down low. They probably didn't believe me but that doesn't matter, Hoseok will be here for me soon, so I just need to embrace everything they throw at me, I never expected to leave honestly, all of hoseok's team is pretty much sworn to secrecy. So it's impossible for anything to really go wrong. So I'm a bit surprised I ended up here, wait. Did someone give these guys a tip? No, that's crazy! Or is it...

"Yoongi!" I flick my head towards the door. That bitch lady walked in with some soup, "eat." she says as she places the bowl next to me before leaving again. I'm in slight shock, this is the first time I've been given food. I crawl to the bowl and sniff it, hm, interesting. It doesn't smell right, like somethings off about it. I don't care though, I'm so hungry I'd eat anything.

After slurping down the soup my stomach starts to feel queasy. I go lay on my "bed" and pass out.

What the hell was in that food?

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