Chapter 27 - Namjoon

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"You asked for me?" I say as I peep my head into the boss's office. "Sit." he deadpans. Once I've sat he begins, "Namjoon, as my hyung, I should I put this." he mumbles the last part. "This is very strange." I think to myself. "He has not needed anything from me since we were in high school."

"I need... Advice." he mumbles. I blink a few times, processing his words. "S-sure Hoseok, what is it?" I sit up straight and lean on my arm. "Well, let's say hypothetically, I have a bad habit. How would I... Get rid of it but still have it around?"

I sit there confused. "You want to get rid of a bad habit but still keep it around?" I ask confused. He looks dazed as he nods. "Ah, what type of bad habit is it? Like smoking, drinking, nail biting?" I ask, to see if I can get more information. "Hypothetically?" I ask once he doesn't respond. "Let's say it's not an object but more so a person, hypothetically." I hold back my shock as my mind goes blank. "A-a person. Hoseoks bad habit is a person?" I mumble to myself.

"But who in their right mind wou- ... Yoongi-" I sit in realization."Jin had told me how Yoongi was always in Hoseoks lap as he worked. As well as how he won't let anyone else touch him."

"Do... Do you mean Yoongi, is your bad habit?" I whisper. His cold glare sends daggers through my head. "Ridiculous." he says. "I do not have any attachment to that runt." he defends. That's when I smirk. Hoseok has always been oblivious to his own emotions and doesn't realize what he says is actually the opposite of what he means deep down. "You care about him don't you?" I ask.

"Hoseok, y'all would really be cute together." that's when I get a gun pointed at my head. I sigh and stare at him. "You know this doesn't faze me." I say. "Don't ever fucking say that again. I don't give a fuck about anyone but myself! You know what? Get the fuck out. Leave." I chuckle at his childish ways. But as I open the door I see teary eyed Yoongi with his hand up ready to knock on the door.

"Shit." I whisper. "How long have you been here for?" I mumble, not trying to get Hoseoks attention. He doesn't answer, he just walks back to his room. Maybe I should get Jin.

He'll know what to do.

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