Chapter 37 - Namjoon

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"Knock knock." I say as I open the door to Hoseoks room. "The fuck you want?" he mutters. "Now, now, that's no way to speak to your Hyung." I try to lighten the mood but it doesn't work. I sigh as he turns from me.

"Hoseok, I know you don't want to speak but... You guys almost kissed. I think we should talk about it." he glares at me, threatening to pull a gun at me. "We both know that if you don't talk to me, you will ignore Yoongi. And guess what? That will make him sad. And if he's sad, Jin's going to kill you. You don't want that, do you?"I raise my eyebrows at the male.

"Fine, sit." he says after some seconds of silence. I gladly take a seat on his bed, he turns in his chair to face me. "Tell me, how do you feel about him?" I ask, not expecting to get much.

"Sigh, I guess I don't mind him around. I suppose he's... Tolerable. Although it is quite a problem that he likes to sit on me, I can't get anything done unless he's there now, how sad. Let us see... What else, I guess it feels a bit less depressing with him around." he explains. I take in the information, deciding my next question.

"Ok all good answers but what I want to know, is how me makes you feel." he nods slightly. "Me huh? Well, he makes me feel more relaxed which is strange since he is also the cause of my stress. He also... Makes me feel things that I don't know how to describe. Hyung it's quite scary, honestly." I try to stop myself from looking shocked, hoseok is not scared of anything.

"Care to elaborate." he takes a sip of water and rubs his thighs nervously, what a new sight to see. "I notice how my chest clenches up when he smiles, or laughs. Or when he does that thing where he scrunches his nose. Even the way his lips pout make my chest squeeze. You know, I should see a doctor about that, oh wait your my doctor." I try to hold back a laugh as well as many other emotions.

"Hoseok, do you know what you are telling me?" I ask. He shakes his head no. "Alright then, maybe you can explain why you guys almost kissed. Then you'll hopefully see." he looks a bit agitated with that subject but doesn't argue.

"It started out with just a hug, he was crying so I had to comfort him, what was I supposed to do? Let him sit there and cry? No way in hell." he says as he squints his eyes. "After the hug I may or may not have gotten rid of his tears. But then I got annoyed that he wasn't looking at me so I lifted his head up by his chin... Then... Then those damn eyes." he shakes his head and sighs.

"Those God damn eyes and that cute nose with those pouty lips. He looked... So adorable. Before I knew it our lips were almost touching. But I knew it was too dangerous so I walked away before we... Kissed." I sit in awe.

"Hoseok, you've never ever wanted to hug anyone let alone kiss them. Now we've gave you time to realize this but you are still too oblivious to your own emotions." he looks at me puzzled. "You like Yoongi, don't you?" I say with a smirk on my face.

He quickly stands up and points at the door. "Out. Now!" I slowly make my way to the door. "You like him and you know you do~" I sing song. I hurry and close the door so he can't get me.

Yoongi has Hoseok wrapped around his finger.

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