Chapter 26 - Hoseok

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I walk around my office and examine my shelves. Everything is here, what has gone missing? I sit down and let the feeling of emptiness devour me. I take my brief case and set it on my lap, opening it. I place some papers with the rest and it suddenly hits me. Yoongi.

"I've gotten used to the feeling and weight of him that with it missing I can't focus properly. It's been at least an hour, and I can't get too behind. He has probably learned by now. But, with the punishments he's used to, he may not realize what I've done. Sigh, it does not matter now."

I get up and recieve him. We come back and finally for the the first time, I can focus. "This is not good. Not at all. When he leaves that means I can no longer focus. When that day comes I will deal with it."

"Hoseok? Why didn't you hit me? Or starve me?" he asks with curiosity. I look in disgust, not at him but at the fact they did that. "Because that is not how you shall be punished. You should not be treated like a hosta-" I cut myself off with thoughts. "-ge.. He is a hostage. So why am I treating him like a... A pet?" I look back down at him and into those feline eyes.

"You are under my care. And I refuse for you to be hurt or touched in any way without permission." he looks at me with a small smile and hope filled eyes. "I'm gonna cry, no one has ever been this kind to me." I begin to regret my decisions. Why couldn't we take his mother? I bet his father would care then... That's right, his father did not give a fuck when we took his son.

My blood begins to boil, which seems to happen a lot recently. "Yoongi, your parents don't care you've gone missing, have they?" I ask steadily. "Well I don't know for sure since I'm here but if I would have to guess I'd say they don't." he replies and I sigh. "I might have to keep him."

"Go find Jin and tell him to start dinner." I mumble. He jumps up and walks to the door, but just stands there. He turns as stares at me. I realize that the door is closed.

After letting him out I think about what to do with him. "I could train him? No, I'm not risking it. But why won't I risk it? What am I risking? Gah! I've never been so stressed like I am now... That's it, I'm going to go let some steam off."

"And I know just the person."

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