Chapter 6 - Yoon

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After being measured by a man called Jin, I was told to go back to the room I was in. So I did. I followed Namjoon back to the room and walked in. He told me he needed to go do his tasks, which means I was left alone again. That is until someone else decided to walk in. They didn't even say anything. They just grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out with them. My fight or flight instincts kicked in and I tried to pull away. That's when I was thrown over the males shoulder. I tried to kick and get down but I couldn't. So I stopped trying.

I was placed in a chair as the male tied me up. "How great" I think to myself with a sigh, I knew I'd regret being happy. I hung my head low and ignored the man who brought me here. He kept trying to talk to me, but after that stunt he pulled I didn't want to talk to him. That's when he left, mumbling about getting the boss.

Which he did because next thing I know he's sitting in front of me. He kept staring at my tied wrists. "Why did you refuse to speak?" he asked curiously. "I refuse to speak to someone who treated me like an object." he raises his eyebrows and motions for me to go on. "Did you know I was dragged by my wrist then thrown over his shoulder? If he would have asked I would have followed. You can ask Namjoon, he asked for me to follow and I did. I'm not hard to negotiate with." I explain. I'm feeling confident in my words only because I am mad.

"Why are you tied up?" he asks. I sigh and stare at him. "Sir, I honestly do not know." I say kinda upset that I am, indeed, tied up. "Hm, how careless." he mumbles. "Stay here, I'll be back." he says and takes his leave. I watch him go and sigh once more. Yeah, definitely regretting being happy.
Soon enough the male kept his word and he was back. This time with Namjoon. I smile at him and he waves. The boss sits as Namjoon stands beside him. "Namjoon, he followed you when you asked, correctly?" he asks, annoyed. "Yes boss. He put up zero fight and was glad to come." he says seriously. "That is all, you may leave." he nods and closes the door behind himself. "You were not supposed to be tied up nor handled like that." the boss tells me.

I am not sure what to say to that honestly. I nod as a response. "It's ok, at least I wasn't hurt." I respond. "No it is not, that was against my orders. You were supposed to be escorted here and asked questions. Not thrown over my men's shoulder." he seems to get more upset.

"I can answer questions." I say, changing the subject. "But can I be untied?" I ask. He gets up and cuts the ropes and goes back to his seat. "First, tell me every thing you know about your father." I give him a strange look but I do as asked. "Well, my father is forty, he and my mom had me when they were about 22. He is a CEO for a company, he never talks about work so I'm not sure what else. But he always gets home around 5. He's never home in the morning when I go to school. His name is Min HanSeo. He has one child, me. Uh that's all I really know. We aren't very close." I tell the man everything I know off the top of my head, it all being true. The boss nods and sighs. "Do you know what he did to me?" he asks. I tell him no and he asks if I want to know. "Assuming that's why I'm here, yes, I'd like to know." I say.

"He owes me money, and lots of it. But that's not all, he took some of my things. Some very important documents. And you, you are what is going to get my things back." he explains. I give him a look and try not to smile. "Hm?" I take deep breath and ask, "that means I'm going to be here a while? Away from them for a long time?" he nods as he crosses his legs. "Why do you seem glad?" he asks, chin held high. "No reason sir."
After a few more questions he walked me back to my room, mainly since the male who brought me was supposed to bring me back mysteriously never showed up.

"Well, dinner is in an hour so wait here until then." I look amazed. I get food? I thought kidnappers weren't supposed to treat their victims like this. "Thank you..." I mumble. "Hm?" he said as he was about to close the door. "I-i said okay, sir." I bow my head as he closed the door. That was a close one. I probably shouldn't let him know how grateful I am. But I have not been hit once since I arrived, which is already better than my house.

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