Chapter 9 - Yoon

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I entered my room after talking to Hoseok. I hope what I told him helped. I sit on my bed and go to touch the bracelet on my wrist. But, it's not there. I can feel myself start to freak out. It was a pure silver bracelet with a piano charm on it that my grandmother had got me before she passed away years ago. She was the only one who ever cared about me... Now it's gone.

The only piece I have of her is gone! Maybe it fell off when I was asleep? I search the bed and take all the covers off. Still not finding it. I go through all the drawers and the closet throwing everything on the ground as tears continually fall down my face.

After tearing the room apart I fall on the ground in defeat and cry my eyes out. I must've been sobbing quite loudly. Hoseok burst through the door and asked what happened immediately. I wanted to tell him but I couldn't stop crying, that bracelet meant the world to me.

"Yoongi?" he whispers as he crouches in front of me. "What's wrong?" he asks. "I-i lo... I los" I try to speak but it sounds like I'm choking as it comes out in whimpers. "Shh, calm down." he says to me. I try but it doesn't work. I only start to cry more.

Unexpectedly he picks me up and takes us to sit on the bed, me in his lap. He wraps his arms around me, one on my back the other petting my head. "Shh, it's ok." he whispers once more. I begin to relax. My body lays limp against his chest as my head is in the crook of his neck. I take in the scent of his Cologne. My breathing goes back to normal. I listen to his heartbeat until I'm not longer crying.

I look up at the male with red puffy eyes and a runny nose. He half smiles and asks what's wrong. "I-i lost my bracelet... My grandma gave it to me and it's my most prized possession. You probably think I'm a big baby now." I explain, mumbling the last part. "I do not think you are a baby. I have lots of prized possessions, those documents are one of them. And since you helped me, I will help you." I sniffle and look at him with big eyes. "Really?" I ask hopeful. "Yes Yoongi." he whispers. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeal happily as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Thank you Hoseok! I will forever be in your dept!" I say.

He pulls me off of him gently so now I'm standing in front of him. "No need, it's a favor for a favor." he silly replies. I still give him my biggest gummy smile as a thank you. "Is there anything else you might need when we go to your house?" he asks. Wait, my house? I give him a confused look. "I'm going to get my documents. So, while I'm there is there anything?" he explains.

"Well, I have a few things I'd like to have with me..." I mumble. He tells me to continue. "I'd like my photo of my grandma and the bracelet she gave me first. That's the important things. But if you have time... I have these blankets in my closet. I was never allowed to use them because my parents believed I was too old. I would really like the chance to get to use them." I tell him as he nods his head. "I can do that. We leave tomorrow when your parents leave for a doctors appointment." he explains. I want to ask him how he knows that but I realize he probably has people that gets him the information he wants.

"Thank you Hoseok, seriously." I tell him. He shakes his head and goes to leave. "Favor for a favor." he says and closes my door.

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