Chapter 38 - Jin

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"How'd it go?" I ask my hubby as he walks through the door. "Well, he's still I denial but there's hope. Guess what happened, which he didn't notice." he says all giggly like a school girl. "What?" I raise my brows. "As he was describing what he would call, an adorable Yoongi, he may have been thinking about other things than just his cuteness." he nudges me.

"What?" I ask, genuinely confused. "Let's just say, his pants might have been two sizes tighter after that." I choke on my spit and stare with wide eyes. "I know... I didn't expect it either. Honestly, don't you think this is the first time he's gotten a boner? Or even horny..." his eyes slightly widen in realization. "But he isn't a virgin..." I add.

"That may be. But we both know him and he has never made love before. Just careless sex." I nod my head in agreement. "Wait Joon, if he's never been horny then why would he have sex?" I ask. "Hm, well, most likely it was to let steam off. You know how he kills or harms someone when he's upset or sum?" he asks. I Nod my head. "Well he also, but very rarely, has sex. I mean knowing him he probably didn't even get much pleasure, just another person to hit. You know?" he explains kinda awkwardly, I mean we are talking about our friend/boss's sex life.

"Yeah I get what you mean." that makes sense. He into sum BDSM shit. Wait- "Joon... What do you think will happen to Yoongi if they-" he puts his hand over my mouth to stop me. "Babe, I love you but I do not want to think about those two having sex." he removes his hand and sighs with a chuckle. "Plus if they do we would notice big time!" I try to focus on his 'joke' but all this talk about sex and especially when he put his hand over my mouth... Agh it makes me needy.

"Joonie-ah?" he looks at me confused. "Is something wrong?" he asks. I look away with a faint blush on my cheeks. I look back over to him smirking. "Do you want daddy?" he mutters awfully close to my ear. I slightly nod as I look at him.


Let's just say we had an eventful night...

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