Chapter 5 - Yoon

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I feel dizzy, what happened. I try to open my eyes but I can't bring myself to do it right yet. So I lay here, wherever here is, peacefully. Eventually I do have enough energy to open my eyes. I look around and take in my surroundings. I'm in a bedroom I'm not familiar with. It's quite a big room, they must have money. I sit up since there is nothing keeping me down nor am I tied up in any way.

I want to go look around but I don't want to die. I decide to sit here and wait for someone to come in. And surprisingly someone opened the door. "Ah, you're awake." says a male. I know him! He asked me for directions last week. "W-who are you?" I ask. "The names Jimin." he says. I slowly nod. "Why am I here?" I ask. "Your father owes the boss." he says with no emotion. My father? I scrunch my eyebrows.

Jimin makes his way over to me and examines me. "Your head? Does it hurt?" he asks. "Don't lie, we can't have you getting a concussion, boss would murder me." he says. "Not r-really." I mumble. "I'll call Namjoon in." he whispers. I just stay quiet.

He reaches out to touch my head but stops when he hears a voice. "Don't touch him." the deep males voice says. I turn my attention to the door once more. Without looking Jimin stands and says, "yes boss, sorry boss." and leaves.

So this is the boss? I swear I've seen him. "Do need anything?" he asks agitated. "N-no thank you sir." I say out of habit. This makes him look at me with confusion. "Ok then." he mumbles and walks out, only for another male to walk in. The boss whispers to the male and he nods.

"I'm Namjoon." the man says with a smile, dimples showing. "I'm here to look at your head, I'm the head of medical." he tells me. I mumble an "ok". He has me do a few things and takes a few tests. "I believe you are just fine." I sigh in relief. "Are they going to hurt me?" I ask, a little afraid. The worst they could do is kill me, I've already been through everything else. "I don't think so. They need you well and safe." he reassures. I smile and nod. "Come with me." he says.

I hesitate at first but end up following him. "Mr. Namjoon, where are we going." I ask politely. "No need for the Mr., but we are going to get you measured for a wardrobe." He tells me. "Wardrobe?" I ask. "Yes, the boss does not know for how long you will be here." he says. I hope I never leave, I mean I'm getting a personal wardrobe?? This is way better than home!

Most people would be scared or terrified, but right now I'm probably the happiest I've ever been. I no longer have to deal with my home life! I'll probably regret this happiness later though.

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