Chapter 45 - Yoongi

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Ah shit. I open my eyes and try to look around. This isn't the mansion. Where the hell am I? I groan as a pain in my head starts. "He's awake boss." an unfamiliar voice says. I think he's behind me, but I can't be sure due to the darkness of the room.

I try to get up but my hands are tied together along with my feet. I'm scared, I'm actually scared. There's no way out of here I am going to die and never see Hoseok again. I miss him so so much.

I wonder if he's ok? I wonder if he knows I'm gone? What if he thinks I'm hiding somewhere... What if he thinks I ran away?! No no no! I hope he doesn't think that...

"Untie him." a male says. The ropes are undone and I'm pulled up from a chair to another one. I'm now sitting at a table in front of someone. "Sorry about that, you fight in your sleep." I don't reply and keep my head down. "Where the hell am I?" I demand. "Woah calm down son, you're safe now." I shoot my head up. "Safe?? Where. The. Hell. Am. I." I say through gritted teeth. The male sighs and the lights go on. "We thought it'd be better to have them off for your headaches sake."

I look around, it seems like a cliche police- police?! I shoot a glance a look at the male in front of me. An officer. "Take me back!" I demand as my eyes start to water. "You... Want to go back?" he asks confused. "But he kidnapped you." tears fall down my cheeks and a few whimpers are let out. "I-i want my S-seokie." I choke out. I cover my face and cry I to my hands, I need Hoseok, I don't want to be here I want to be in his arms. I want him to tell me it's all gonna be ok again!

"Hey calm down..." the man says gently. "No! You took me away from my Hoseokie!" I shout at him. He looks confused but leaves the room. A few minutes later a woman walks in. She looks sweet, she has medium length black hair and round glasses. She has a slim face and hourglass outline. "Hi hun." she says, almost a whisper as she sits down in front of me. I ignore her words.

"I'm here to talk..." he says slowly. I shoot her a glance and she smiles warmly. "Can you tell me about your experience there?" she asks. I sigh and look away. "No." she nods her head. "That's ok, is there a reason I can know?" I start to silently cry again. "I want my Seokie." I say. "Is he the one who kidnapped you?" I turn my head and look at her. "Is there a reason you want to go back." I nod my head. "I want Seokie." I say with sniffles. "How do you feel about him?" she asks. I think for a moment deciding if I should say anything.

"I-i...i love him." I mutter, head hanging low. "Hun, I understand what you are going through. But those feelings are not real." My head snaps up and my brows furrow. "Yes they are. I love him. He loves me!" I shout at her. She sighs and pushes her glasses up.

"Yoongi, I think you have Stockholms syndrome." my eyes widen. "It's a way for the body to survive, it's a coping mechanism to deal with all the pain you are forced to go through, physically and mentally." I laugh slightly then frown. "Bitch." I mutter. "I was treated amazing with him. He never hit me, yelled at me, hurt me, or did anything to harm me physically or emotionally." I tell her. "He treated me with care and love. He had my wounds attended to! This man is everything I could ask for and more. So no, I don't believe I have some damn syndrome. And even if I did, do you think I care?! No." I explain.

She looks at me in surprise. "But what about your neck? It has bruises all over it." she asks worriedly. My face goes red. "Yeah... That was my doing." I say shyly. "What do you mean?" she asks. I blink a few times. I take my hand and rub the marks he made. "Yeah... Good times." I say softly, remembering the times we got sexual.

"I uhm... I wanted him to be rough." I say with a cough as I look away. "You... Had sex... With your captor?" he raises her brows in disbelief. "Twice... Not counting other... Things." I mutter. "Look lady, I told you I love him. The only time he ever hurt me was when we had sex, and even then he was cautious of going to far. I had to tell him to go harder, pull harder, choke me har-" she cuts me off. "Ok Ok I get the point." she says, a bit surprised. "Now let me go!" I slightly yell. "I'm afraid we can't do that." I scoff. Now I'm getting pissed. "Why? Why can't I leave?"

"Because, you are mentally ill. And I can't let you on the streets." I get confused. Didn't I just tell this whore- "he treats me better than you disgraceful people." I mumble. "Impossible. We saved you from your captor. You should be thanking us." I stare at her. She really wants her way. "I should tell him you hurt me. You wouldn't want that." I say with a smirk. She's crazy if she thinks he's not gonna come for me. "What?" she asks. "Oh? I guess you should probably know this. I'm his baby, I'm his. You guys took what's his. Last time that happened, didn't end so well." I say as I squint my eyes at her.

"Why are you talking as if you are his property? That makes me sad." I scrunch my nose. Does she not care I threatened her? "Because I am. I love being his property. He treats me amazing. I'd be anything he wants me to be because I trust him I know he'd never hurt me. You on the other hand? One tear shed from my eye and you're dead. Don't. Try. Me. Bitch." she looks at me in shock. "Now let me go!" I slam my hand on the table in front of me and demand my freedom.

"You little-" she raises her hand and slaps me across the face. "You mister are not gonna act that way! You need the proper help!" I hold my cheek. Usually this shit wouldn't hurt me but after all the care those boys gave me, my sensitivity came back to my skin. Tears fill my eyes. Soon enough the man from earlier comes rushing in, "hey! You can't hit him!" he says. I sit in my seat and notice the door is opened. I quickly rush out the door and a smile appears on my face, I'll make it. But no, I get grabbed and held into place. "Nuh uh. You aren't going anywhere." I sigh and hang my head low. His grip is extremely tight on me, that's gonna leave a bruise.

"Hobi!" I shout as I finally break down, giving up.

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