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Hai! It tis me, the author~ I hope you enjoyed the story😅 I know it's not the best thing you'll ever read but at least it's not the worst!

I tried to have Hoseoks character develop over time. But it was my first time in doing so with a story. I hope it was decent...

Haha anyways, if you want to say Yoongi has Stockholm Syndrome, you can but in this story Yoongi does actually fall in love with Hoseok. What I was trying to get at is, although Hoseok and the others were the first to really show Yoongi any kindness, Yoongi still fell for Hoseok. You may think he only loves him because of his kindness which I can see. But in reality Jin was actually the first person to show him how a human should actually be treated, but why didn't he fall in love with Jin then? Because Yoongi never saw him like that. If anything Hoseok should be one of the last people on Yoongis mind due to how cold and ignorant he started out to be. But he saw how Hoseok cared for him, unlike the others. He knew Hoseok wasn't all that he seemed to be. Yoongi didn't see Hoseok in a romantic way for a while, but after he started to realize these small things and got to actually know Hoseok, his feelings started to shift.

Aish, my bad for the long explanation. But than you for reading! I hope it was enjoyable! 💜💜

~ Kaysei ~

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