Chapter 16 - Yoon

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I wake up to a knocking. I realize I'm in my room again. The door opens to reveal Jimin. "I want to apologize about yesterday." wait was I out for that long? "I was quite upset since those glasses were my mother's. To restrain myself from hurting you I had to leave. I called Hoseok to get home quickly to come care for you. My apologies Yoongi." he explains. "I understand. If someone were to break my bracelet, I'd probably want to hurt them as well." he sighs and stands still. "Yes but... Ok. So we are okay now?" I nod my head.

I lay there as he closes the door. I wanted to sit up but my hands are trying to heal and I know it would only make it worse. Yet I'm starving so I might as well try my best to get up.

I raise my arms so my hands don't touch a thing as I roll onto my stomach. I use my elbows an shimmy half way off the bed then stand up. That wasn't so bad. But how will I grab the door knob and make food?

I walk up to the door and let out a sigh of relief, he didn't close it all the way. I put my foot under the door and pull it open. I wonder down the stairs into the kitchen. I look around but I don't see anyone. Usually Jin would be in here but I guess he's busy in his studio. And I think everyone else might have left, based on how quiet it is.

I stand there trying to figure out a plan. I refuse to touch anything with my feet, that's just disgusting. "Maybe I should just stop being a baby and use my hands." I think to myself. I reach for the cabinet, but stop half way. I turn my head to see Hoseok gently grabbing my wrist.

"What do you think you are doing?" he sounds displeased. "I was hungry." I reply. I look him in the eyes as he speaks. "You could have called Jin down." he puts my wrist down and stares at me. "I don't want to bother him if he's busy." I mutter as I put my attention on the floor.

"You could have broke a stitch."

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