Chapter 13 - Jin

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I set the table and portion out the food. Namjoon is sulking outside the kitchen since I wouldn't let him help. I'm afraid he might burn the kitchen down... Again. "Joon go tell the others it's time for breakfast." I say to give him something to do. Which he is happy too. This gives me time to place food on the table.

Hoseok is the first one down, as usual. Then the rest follow behind shortly, in no specific order. But lastly, Yoongi arrived. And the only place to sit was next to Hoseok. No one ever sits there, mainly because no one wants to accidentally do something to piss him off. But that spot was gladly taken by Yoongi when he first arrived.

I watched as he sat hesitantly next to him, which is new. I sat across from Yoongi. So I watched as Hoseok made eye contact with him but just as quickly turned away. Now what is that about?

I stare at the two the whole time. Yoongi sat quietly and didn't even talk to him. Hoseok would steal glances. Yoongi didn't even have the courage to look over. I'm definitely asking about this.
"Yoongi, will you help with the dishes hun?" I ask as everyone else leaves. Hoseok being the first one gone. "Sure Hyung."

I pull him into the kitchen and by the sink. "Ok spill the tea." I say. "What?" he asks. "Oh come on! I saw what was going on between you two! Y'all couldn't even look at each other!" he sighs and begins to cry.

"Jin hyung, he saw me in t-the white-" I cut him off as I pull him into a hug. "I swear to God if he touched you in any way!" Yoongi pushed me slightly and kept saying no. "He didn't do anything hyung! He walked in and accidentally saw me in it and walked out. He never touched me!" he says which calms me down.

"So then, why are you crying hun?" I ask gently as I rub his back. "I think he hates me." he whispers. "What do you mean?" I asked half shocked half worried. "After that I went to him to get my things and once I walked in he stood up but didn't say a word. And he kept staring at me too. I was wearing a skirt and a sweater with high socks... Do you think he finds me gross for wanting to wear those things?" he asks.

I look him dead in the eyes. "I highly highly doubt he hates you. Do you want me to talk to him? I'll have Joonie punch him real hard if that makes you feel better." I say. "You'd do that?" he asks with glossy eyes. "Of course." I say.

Once we've cleaned up I head to Hoseoks office. I open the door with out knocking and he shoots me a glare. "Do not start with me Hoseok!" I say angrily. "What did you say to me?" he snaps. "Do not speak to your hyung like that! This is not a work matter and you know it, or else I would definitely not have barged in here like I did." I say as I walk up to his desk and place my hands on it. Hoseok may be the boss but he knows when to not tick off an already ticked off Jin.

"You are right Jin hyung. My apologies." he says. "What is it that you need?" he asks. I sit down and take a deep breath, getting straight to the point. "Do you hate Yoongi? Do you find him disgusting?!" I snap at him. He looks shocked and confused. "Hm? I do not hate him or find him disgusting. Who did you hear this from?" he asks, he sounds a bit annoyed.

"From Yoongi." I say bluntly. I watch as he sits up straight and his eyes slightly widen. "Why would he think that?" he asks. "Well for starters, you saw him in a not so appropriate clothing item. As well as when he came to get his things, he told me you stared at him and didn't say a word. Is it cause he was wearing girls clothes? Why are you such a prick?!" I know I shouldn't have said that the moment he slammed his hands down and silenced me. "Enough! I've heard enough of this! Do you want to know why? I'll tell you why!" he says as he gets up and walks to his window. "I didn't stare because he was wearing girls clothes. I could care less. It's the fact of what he was wearing! But Jin why did you have to make such lingerie that fitted him so perfectly in all the right places? Answer me that. Tell me why did he look so godamn fucking amazing in it? All his defined curves and edges. Beautiful. And fucking why did he have to wear such a cute outfit to receive his blankets. Just why?" he rambles on, leaving me in shock.

No one has ever caught Hoseoks eye like Yoongi just did.

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