Chapter 46 - Hoseok

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"Sir, he's not here." I slam my hands on desk. I've searched hours for Yoongi. I know for a fact he'd never ever run away. Which means someone took him, but all three cops we're killed, so they must've had backup. I don't know how far Yoongi would've gotten after the sleeping gas so I'm not too surprised. But I am extremely disappointed in myself that I couldn't protect him. I'm sorry baby...

"Fucking find him!" I shout. Taehyung nods and exits the room. He and jungkook should be able to track him down pretty damn quick. But no one else was here when those cops were, they came after the gas... How did they...

Things start to add up in my head, all the strange accurances. That means, some one opened their trap. But who? For fucks sake! I pull at my hair and throw my lamp at the wall. This is bullshit.

I walk to my room and plop on my bed. I knew this was going to happen, yet I risked it anyway. I find one of his shirts and pick it up. I hold it in my hands and lay down once more. I think I'm going to sleep.
"Boss." I open my eyes and face the voice. "We've located him." my eyes widen and I sit up immediately. "Get Jin, Joon, and taehyung, we are going on a mission Kook." he nods and goes to the others. I get up, getting dressed.
"Is everyone ready?" I ask. "Sir, what's the plan?" Jungkook asks. Right, I forgot. "Jungkook, That's why I had you and Tae make those fake documents. Jin this is where you come in, you will get in saying you are family and want to see your cousin." he nods his head and I turn to taehyung.

"You will be in the car with Kook, listening and watching what happens in there. Joon, you've got medical taken care of right?" he nods his head. "We won't attack today, we need to map the place out, know where each camera is, every possible way of getting in and out, I need to know. That's why I'm having you carry this phone Jin, it's special. It allows tae and kook to access the whole building without a trace of us being there." I hand him the device and he nods.

"One more thing, the first thing you fucking say to him- tell him... I'm coming for him. And... That I'm sorry." I look away in disappointment. There were a couple gasps but that's expected.

I never apologize

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