Chapter 56 - Namjoon

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"God what the hell did this poor boy go through?" I think to myself as I examine him. "Here sir." Chan says as he hands me Yoongi's x-rays. I nod to him and take the photos.

Luckily it's nothing near as bad as I thought. He does have a couple fractures but nothing too serious, can't say that about the rest of him though... He desperately needs a blood transfusion which I knew just by looking at him. "What's his blood type?" I ask a group in front of me. "O" one of the responds. "Who the hell has O?" they all look at each other. "Really? Nobody?" I say, sounding desperate.

"Well... I do." I turn my head to the door. "Jin? What are you doing here?" I ask. "I came to check in... Hoseok won't stop crying and telling me to come check on him." my eyes widen slightly. I knew hoseok had a liking towards Yoongi but the fact that he's crying because of the younger just amazes me. "Joonie, I have O." I snap back into reality. "But he needs so much..." I tell him. "I don't care! He means so much to me... To Hoseok, even you. Just take my blood, please." I sigh and bite my lip. "Agh, fine." I say.

They take Jin to another room and collect his blood for Yoongi. I need to get him in casts after the blood transfusion. Honestly I'm almost certain he's in a coma. He should've been awake by now if not. I'm afraid to tell Hoseok though, I'm not sure how he'll react to his "baby" in a coma. Thinking of that... When did they become an item? I knew it was gonna happen eventually, but I didn't think it'd be so soon...

"Here's the blood sir." where did he come from? "Ah, thank you..." I mumble, grabbing the bag. "Let's get this over with..." I sigh.
"We... We did it." I let out a breath. We finally finished everything. He's all bandaged up and I think he'll be ok, well other than the coma. I ran some tests and there's no concussion. He just passed out from blood loss, if we would've arrived even ten minutes later he probably would've died. We are lucky he's still here. "You got the feeding tubes as well as the poop/pee bag in him?" I ask my team. "Yes sir, everything is set." I dismiss them and prepare for Hoseok to come in any minute now.

"Is he ok?!" speak of the devil. "As far as I can tell, yes." he sighs and hugs me. "Thank you hyung." I stand there surprised. "U-uh... You're we-welcome." I stutter out, he actually hugged me?

"Will Yoongi be ok?" he asks as he looks into my eyes. "Well..." his face drops. "He's in a coma, and there's a 50/50 chance he will wake up." I start to explain, "due to the loss of blood, he passed out. By the looks of things, we are lucky we got there when we did or else he could've died." Hoseok nods and takes a seat by the younger, whispering to him.

...I'll leave them alone...

A/N - I just want to say, I am in no way a doctor or know anything about medical things. Don't understand the reason for the poop bag thing? Look it up😅. But anyways, I made stuff up so if it doesn't make sense or is in the wrong order, I apologize, I'm uneducated...

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