Chapter 59 - Yoongi

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*a few days later*

"Hobi-ah?" I ask. "Hm?" he says as he looks up from his laptop. Currently I'm still in bed rest until I get the strength to get up again, so Hoseok decided he'd come work down here as much as he could. "I'm hungry." I mumble. "What would you like?" I pretend to think for a minute. "Hm, you." I say innocently. "Yoongi I'm not a snack." he says with a chuckle. "Cause your the whole damn meal." I say proudly with a wink. "Where is all this confidence coming from?" he asks with a raised brow. "Well, I know you can't do anything to me so might as well get my fun in while I can." he sighs and places a kiss on my hand. "You are gonna regret that." my eyes widen slightly. "Just wait until you're healed." he whispers. I giggle at his seriousness. "Ok ok, but for real, I'm actually hungry." he gives me a dead stare and sighs. "I'll call Jin to make something." I smile and go back to staring at him while he works.

Not to much longer Jin comes in with a bowl of soup. "I'm not sick ya know." I say with a slight giggle. "I know but I made sure it has lots of protein and vitamins so you can get better." he explains. "Aish, thank you hyung." I say sarcastically. "So, how are you feeling?" he asks. "A lot better actually, I really wanna try to walk and start getting my strength back." he nods his head slowly. "Although I do have a question." Jin tilts his head. "Shoot."

"When I was in my coma, what all happened? I've been meaning to ask that for a while now." Jin gets this huge grin on his face while Hoseoks goes slightly red. "Oh do I have a story for you." Jin mutters. "Do tell~" I say with a smirk.

"The big bad boss here, ain't so tough after all." he starts, "he would come down here about everyday and talk to you, it was so adorable! But get this, he cried a few times. I know shocking! He always brought you little gifts for when you awoke and even slept down here with you for a while. Even after your bones were healed from the fractures he would carefully stretch or bend you so you wouldn't become stiff. Honestly, he was just down here caring for you the whole time. It's just adorable!" Jin squeals as he speaks, adoring Hoseok and I. "Wow, you really did all that?" I ask him. "Maybe..." he mumbles with a grunt. "Thank you hobi-ah." I mutter as I grab his hand to intertwine our fingers together. I give him a soft smile am close my eyes. I'm extremely grateful for him, for everyone who took care of me.

I feel a pair of lips on my forehead. "You're...welcome." he mutters. "Aw! You guys are adorable!" Jin squeals. I blush and look away, "ya! Hyung~" I Whine. "So, I've been curious, when did you guys get together?" I look over at Hoseok and back to Jin. "We never actually made it official..." I state. "After we uhm... You know, I asked him but we got into a small argument and the had makeup... Sex... Sooo." I say, quickly cutting myself off.

"Wait so you guys never made it official? I literally heard you call him daddy once!" Jin says, making my face go red. "Jin! Stop exposing us!" I cover my face with my hands and mumble a few cuss words. "I thought we were." Hoseok simply states. "You did?" I ask. He nods his head. "Oh, it's just... You never asked me to be your boyfriend or anything so I assumed we weren't." I explain. He stays still and stares at the floor. "Wait right here." he mutters. I look at him confused then at Jin. Jin just shrugs his shoulders.

...What are you doing Hoseok?...

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