Chapter 15 - Yoon

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"Here." I hand Jimin some plates. I insisted I'd help put them away. But I didn't know where things were so I just held things. I go to pick up these very pretty cups. I take three of them at a time. "These are pre-ahh" I feel my back hit the ground as I hear the sound of shattering glass. "Fuck." I mumble to myself. I try to sit up, only to recieve pain as the glass shards cut deep into my palms.

I yelp in pain as I lift my hands right back up. I look up at Jimin and apologize refusively, afraid of being punished. But instead of being hit or helped he storms out of the kitchen and leaves me there. I don't have shoes on and I do not want to risk getting my feet cut.

"Hoseok?! Jin!?" I shout. But no one comes. I try to move my hands but even the smallest twitch makes them sting. "Namjoon!?" I yell out. Maybe he's here? But he never came. Maybe I'm not loud enough.

At the top of my lungs I scream, "Hoseok!" my throat began to burn. Out of all my punishments the palms of my hands have never been damaged, they're the most fragile part of me. That is until now.

I wait a couple seconds in case I hear someone coming. My throat burns to much to yell again at the moment so now all I can do is wait. I hope someone comes soon, I'm bleeding quite a bit. But luckily for me I heard the front door swing open.

"Hoseok?" I whisper. "Yoongi!? Where are you?" he says as he runs this way. I use what's left of my voice and yell "Kitchen!" and before I know it I'm being picked up bridal style. "Are you okay?" he asked with worry in his voice. "Not r-really." I say as I look down to my hands. "Let's get you to Namjoon." he takes me down a few different halls and we enter a big white medical room. He sits me on the table just as Namjoon walks in.

"Woah, what happened?" he asks as he rushes over. "I don't know but fix this mess." Hoseok ordered him. Namjoon grabbed a pair of tweezers some bandages and ointment. "Yoongi, some of these are very deep, you may need stitches ok?" I've never had stitches before. But it's nothing I can't handle! "Alright then." I tell him with a bit if enthusiasm.

"You may want something to distract you while I take the glass out." Namjoon tells me. I shake my head and look around, not sure what will distract me. But then my eyes land on Hoseok, who's intently staring at my wounds. So I stare at him with the same focus. I've never took the time to look at him before.

He has a nice jawline for sure. Tan skin which contrasts my paleness. Dark floppy hair that has a side part but gently lays on his forehead. Dangerous eyes that hold so much emotion then none at all. Heart shaped lips that seem to never smile. Over all he is very structured. His cold expression holds nothing against his eyes. Those eyes can not hide any emotion from me.

"Alright the glass is out! You must've been focused hard, some of this glass was really in there." I break out of my thoughts and hum at Namjoon as a response. "Yeah... Focused." I mumble to myself.

I look down at my hands and see all the deep gashes. "My back used to look like that" I think to myself. "Now I need to wipe the blood off. I know it looks bad now but after the blood is gone you are gonna see just how deep those cuts are. It's not pretty." he warns me. I want to tell him I've seen worse so he knows I can handle it but I'd rather him not question me.

A burning sensation appears all over my hands. I let out a yelp by accident as I bite my lower lip. "Look at me." I turn my head to hoseok. He places his thumb on my lip and gently removes it from my teeth. "Just focus on something like earlier. It will be over soon." he whispers. I nod my head and close my eyes.

Sadly enough my mind goes back to my parents and all my punishments. I think about how bad it was and how this stinging was nothing compared to cold metal being whipped on your back. It was nothing compared to being kicked mercilessly in the stomach repeatedly. This was just a minor casualty.

"Ok this might hurt, I have to give you a shot in each hand to numb the pain, but if you'd like, I can put you to sleep, you won't feel a thing." I think for a second and choose sleeping. I don't want anymore pain at the moment. "Sleep." I mumbled, already tired from this all.

Hoseok laid me down and started to leave. "Where is he going?" I ask Namjoon. "He's a busy man Yoongi, be happy he brought you here. If it were one of us he'd tell us to stop acting like a baby and get cleaned up. But close your eyes for me." I think about that as I shut my eyes. "Does he think I'm a baby now?" I mumble as I feel a bit out of it. "Of course not. We are trained professionals. You are just a teen. We hold higher expectations." of course they do. But that doesn't mean anything to me. If he holds expectations for them I probably have the same ones.

I feel like jumping up right now and telling him I can stitch myself, which is a lie. I don't want to be seen as a baby in this context. But before I can say anything else I become un aware of my surroundings.

I had become unconscious.

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