Chapter 55 - Hoseok

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"Yoongi..." I whisper. My poor baby, all curled up on the floor, in horrid shape. I carefully and slowly pick him up. "Baby? Are you awake?" I mumble as I stand up. No response. I feel a tear fall from eyes. I-im crying?

"Ho- oh shit..." I turn and face Namjoon. "Hyung..." I mumble. His eyes widen, he drags me by my sleeve. How could I let it get this bad? I couldn't even protect him...

I hold him close, I feel my breath quicken and my throat has a lump in it. "H-hyung...what do I do?" I mutter as my eyes began to blur. "We take him straight to medical and attend to his wounds." Namjoon says.

Once we've made it I carefully lay him on the table. I look over at Namjoon who is already gathering supplies. Gently, I remove his clothing, to access the wounds. I feel the lump in my throat grow heavier. He's even worse than I thought...

"We need to wash him off." he states. I nod my head and carry him to a bathroom near by. I sit him down in my lap as I sit on the shower floor, not caring about my clothes. I take the removable shower head and set its mode on light. I rinse him off slowly as I rub his body gently. Now I add some soap and take a silk rag, softly cleaning his fragile body.

I take in all the marks on his porcelain skin. Deep red stained the ground. For once, I felt nauseous by the sight of blood. I watched as it went in circles until it disappeared slowly into the drain.

I stood up and place a silk towel on him, patting him dry. Namjoon cleans the table off so I can place him down. "Where do we start?" I ask. "Making sure he's alive." my eyes widen. Namjoon places his index and middle finger on Yoongi's neck. "There's a pulse but it's faint. We need to hurry." I nod as he places an IV in his hand, along with a few other tubes in other places.

I start by wiping him softly with the wipes. "I need to stitch him in several places. I can do either his top half or bottom half, which do you prefer?" I examine him carefully. "Take the top, it needs much more work and you are faster." he nods his head and begins almost immediately. I follow his actions and thread my needle.

His legs have only a few wounds but that doesn't mean he isn't damaged internally. He could have fractures or worse, internally bleeding... "Namjoon, what if he is bleeding inside? What if he has broken bones? What if-"

"Calm down Hoseok, I will take care of it. But for now we need to stop this bleeding and get these open wounds closed." I take a few deep breaths an continue with stitching. Eventually we finish the front side. "What about his back?" I ask. "Carefully turn him around, but first we need to wrap up what we can of these stitches." he says as he hands me a roll of bandages.

I watch Namjoon flip him carefully, due to me sitting in a shower and being soaking wet, it's best if I didn't touch him as much as possible. "Holy fuck." he mutters under his breath. I stare at the youngers back. Deep gashes covered the male. "This isn't good, I think I see spine right here." I look away, I can't handle seeing him in such conditions. "Hoseok... You'll want to leave the rest of this to my team and I." as much as I want to argue with him, I know he's right. "Fine..." I mutter. Before leaving I crouch down and place a kiss on his head.

This was going to be a long night...

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