Chapter 61 - Yoongi

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*9 months later*

"Hoseok!~" I shout happily as I make my way up the stairs. "Yes?" he pokes his head out of his office, no expression. "I'm 100 percent healed! But I have to take it easy for a bit." he lifts me up in a hug as I giggle. "That's good." he mutters as he puts me down. "Can we go see the garden??" I ask eagerly.

About 3 months ago, Hoseok showed me the garden few days after my first physical therapy lesson. I'd never been anywhere else but inside and on the roof so I was in awe when I found out he had such a beautiful place!

"I'll bring my laptop." I lean on the door frame while he collects his things. "Go one without me." he says. I give him a curious look but head off anyways. I carefully run down the stairs and to a door, hidden by another book case. I find it cute how he hides a few of his secret doors so old-fashion like.

I pull at a white book and the bookcase slides over, revealing a door with a water lily on it... Huh? That flower was not there before. I push that thought aside and open the door, taking in the scent of fresh air and flowers. I'm not one for flowers but it's so pretty. I turn my head to the left at the sound of... Ducks? To my surprise there's a beautiful duck pond with a bench in front of it. I run straight there and stare in shock, this was new! "Do you like it?" I turn around and see Hoseok smirking. I run over and jump on him, clinging on for dear life, enveloping him in a huge hug.

"I love it so much! When did you do this??" I ask excitedly. "Last night." my eyes widen, " how??" is all I managed. He shrugs as he wraps his arms around me so I don't fall. I ask him severel questions a he walks us over to the bench. Once we've sat he tells me breath with a chuckle. "Sorry..." I say, my cheeks turn red in embarrassment. "The pond you used to go to..." he starts, "these are the ducks from there." I gasp quietly as my eyes sparkle, but soon turns to slight anger. "You didn't hurt the ducks did you??" I ask. "No, of course not. You probably would kill me." I shake my head. "No "probably" because I definitely would have." he chuckles once more and places me off his lap and onto the bench.

"Yoongi... I, have a question." I tilt my head to the side as he stands up. I cover my mouth as he turns around and gets on one knee. "I know it's sudden but... After hearing how changbin said he proposed because he knew Felix was the one, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I... I love you." I immediately began to feel tears flow down my face, that's the first time he's said I love you to me...

"So Yoongi, will you be mine for the rest of our lives and marry me?" he finally asks, I look into his eyes and see the glossy film cover his eyes slightly. I search for any signs of doubt but all I see in those eyes of his, is love and absolute bliss. I open my mouth but nothing comes out as the tears keep flowing. I instead, nod my head repeatedly. I watch as his heart shapped lips turn upward into the biggest smile I've ever seen. "He picks me up and we giggle as he places kisses all over my face, placing a final on on my lips as he sets me down to place the ring on my finger.

"Are you sure baby? I know it's sudden and you're still so young..." I can tell he's feeling the doubt kick in. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life!" I said with a huge gummy smile. "Finally! We thought you'd never propose!" I snap my head around and see Jin, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung, all smiling at us. I'm pretty sure Namjoon was crying.

I blush and hide my face in Hoseoks chest. I feel him wrap his arms around me. "Thank you guys, for everything." I hear a few gasps as they walk to us. "He just thanked us guys!" Jin says. "Ya! Don't get used to it." Hoseok grumbles out. "No but we should all be thanking Yoongi here." Jin says as he places a hand on my shoulder, which quickly gets removed by Hoseoks glare. "Aish" he mumbles before continuing.

"Anyways, Hoseok might still be the cold boss we know him to be but- thanks to our little Yoongi, Hoseok has changed. In a good way. His small heart probably grew a couple sizes. I've never seen him more happy over this past year." I squeeze Hoseoks hand and intertwine our fingers. "I think we can all agree Yoongi is Hoseoks world." Jungkook mentions. I smile at them all and sigh. "Thank you guys, for taking care of me and showing me there is more to life than just being hit." they all smile and walk over for a group hug. "How about we go out? Maybe dinner and shopping?" Hoseok mentions as they pull away. "Really?!" I said with sparkling eyes. "Why not? It's been a while." he says with a slight smirk.

"...I love you Hoseok..."

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