Chapter 34 - Hoseok

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"Namjoon Hyung, is everything ready?" I ask as the male in front of me. He nod his head and reads off of a clipboard. "Everything is set." he says. "Good." I mumble.

"I felt weird when I had to reject Yoongis birthday wishes. All he wanted was to go out. So instead, since it's too risky, I'm planning a surprise party. I hope this makes up for it."

"And remember nobody tell him anything." I say as I look around the room. "Most people had been shocked when I wanted to throw a party, even I was a bit surprised. But it's only fair. I took him so at least I can throw a party. Yeah... That's what it is."

"Hoseok-ah, I'm really happy you care enough to throw a party for him." Jin whispers to me. I send a glare as I reply, "it's only fair." I grumble. "Sure, sure." he chuckles and walks off.

A note slips under my door. I go pick it up and read it.

"Yoongi, dress nice for a dinner party. Jin is making something special. ~ Hoseok"

I go to my closet and scan through my clothes. It is my birthday, I should dress up. I pick out some lingerie to make myself feel more confident.

After throwing it onto the bed I pick out a severely ripped cropped sweater. For my pants I grab black leather high rise shorts. Adding on half fishnet half black leggings. Paired with my vans. (His whole fit ⬇️)

After getting dressed I spend some time doing my hair and makeup

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After getting dressed I spend some time doing my hair and makeup. After a while there's a knock on my door.

It's been a few hours since I gave yoongi that note. He should be ready by now. I go and knock at his door. I'm surprised when he opens it. My eyes slightly widen as my lips part. I had no words.

"You... Look nice." I say as I swallow dry. "Thanks you!" he says excitedly. "Let's go." I say as I turn my head quickly, stopping myself from looking any longer.

He follows close behind as we walk. I stop a few feet away from the stairs and grab his hand. He looks up at me surprised. "Close your eyes." I say with a smirk. He does as told as I carefully help him down.

"I hope you like it." tell him as I signal for everyone to be ready. "Open." I say. As he opens his eyes everyone shouts, "happy birthday Yoongi!" a huge smile grows on his face. "Y-you..." he mumbles with teary eyes. "Thank you Hoseokie!" he shouts as he turns and hugs me tightly. As he turns back around he takes in the scene,

Balloons in all sorts of places, food from every country, tables full of gifts and that's not even it. There's going to be a movie night and he can pick the movie. I might have planned a little something for just us as well...
I stand in the corner and watch as he and Jin have a conversation while they eat. I quickly face away when he looks over. "It would be questionable if he caught me looking, wait... Why was I looking? Because I'm making sure he is not dead. Yes, yes that's why."

"Hoseok!" ah? When did he walk over. "Hm?" I question. "I really appreciate all this." he says softly. "Really, I do. You could've just said happy birthday to me and I would've been satisfied." he tells me. "It would have been that easy?" I think to myself. "You're welcome." I mumble. "Well, I just wanted to thank you. I'm gonna go talk to Jin!" he says.

*an hour later*

"Yoongi, what movie do you want?" I simply ask. It was just the four of us, no surprise. Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon, and myself. "I'm ok with anything." he says. I keep my gaze at the tv. "Pick." I mumble.

"O-ok... How about, the Corpse Bride?" I nod my head slightly.

"I honestly don't understand this movie, the girl he is supposed to marry, he has only known for a few hours. So how does he 'love' her already? Agh. I'm not gonna waste my time on mindless thoughts."

Half way through the movie I had to excuse myself. I need to prepare for his final surprise. I walked to my office and over to a bookshelf. Inside one of these books is a key, a key to a certain place. Once I've found that key I quietly go join the rest once more.

"Where'd you go?" Yoongi whispers. "To get something." I whisper back. He nods his head as his attention goes back to the movie. I try to focus on the movie but it isn't easy. Cautiously I look around, it's just us four.

I quickly yet, gently pick Yoongi up and place him on my lap. He looks surprised at first but soon relaxed into my embrace.

"Sigh, all my efforts to focus with out him have gone completely down the drain." I think to myself.

"At least I can focus now."

I wrote some of this on my birthday
Also, this story will be written completely before publishing. So the days the chapters get published will not be the same when they were written. Just letting you know!

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