Chapter 51 - Yoongi

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Aish I knew I shouldn't of drank that damn soup. My head is pounding now, and why is it so cold?

I weakly open my eyes, am I... Am I in a basement? It's severely dark... Again. Ah I'm tired of this shit! Hoseok was coming to get me any time now! Now he has to find me again...

I swear, whoever keeps taking me from my Hoseokie, is gonna pay. I will do it myself if I have too!

"Ah, I see you've woken up." I attempt to look around, "w-where am I?" I ask. "Some place they'd never think to look." my eyes widen, where they'd never look? "They'll find me! I'm sure of it!" the male chuckles, "oh, no they won't." I start to get irritated, I close my eyes and breathe. I'll just ignore him until they come.

My eyes shoot open, there was another person in here! I know that laugh, I know it better than anyone else... "M-mother?" I question. "Oh Yoongi, I'm getting my revenge." r-revenge? For what?! "What did I ever do to you?" I say in an almost shout. "You were a mistake, a disgrace to the family. You ruined my life!" I sat in shock. I knew my mother didn't care for me, but it still hurt quite bad to actually hear it.

But is that how everyone feels about me? All my life I've been shown how little I matter. I've been told how shitty of a son I am. How much I'm a disappointment but it still hurts everytime I hear it. I bet even Hoseok has doubts about me. What's the point? They'll never find me, I'll probably be dead before then. I deserve it after all.

"Why not just kill me now then?" I can tell she's surprised, I may dislike my mother, but I know her very well. "I mean, all this things are true so why not get it over with." I received a slap to the face. "Are you trying to provoke me?" she said angrily. "No ma'am." I say.

"Leave him to starve." She says. A few seconds later a door opened, letting some light in. The male was already gone by the time my eyes adjusted but I did catch a glimpse of my mother. Who else in my family hates me, we'll I should say, who doesn't? That male could be anyone at this point.

I wonder if Hoseok is looking for me still. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't. I wouldn't look for me either. How long will it be until I die? I mean they said to starve me and I've only ate that soup in the last four days. I'll probably die of dehydration first actually. Aish what to do until then?

I'll just lay here I guess. Maybe I can die of boredom first. You know what? I find it funny how my mental health could deteriorate with just a few words. I was finally feeling good an in the best state of mind... All thanks to Hoseok. No! I've got to stay strong. Not just for him but for Jin too! Even Namjoon and the rest, I trust them... With everything.

I trust Hoseok...

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