Chapter 7 - the Boss

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I tell one of my men to bring Yoongi down for questioning. I will wait in my office for the recorded answers. Yet to my surprise, the man had asked me what to do since he was not answering him. I sigh and walk down myself.

To my surprise, he was tied up. That was not part of the plan. I get furious that I was disobeyed. I do try and keep calm though, not wanting to scare him for some unknown reason.

I ask why he is tied up and he says it was my men. And that he was handled quite rudely. Which again, not what I asked. I excuse myself to go get Namjoon to confirm What Yoongi told me about him complying earlier. But first, I have a stop to make.

I spot the man who disobeyed my orders. I walk up and glare into his soul. The atmosphere changes and I know he's threatened. "Why did you disobey me and touch him? I clearly told you not to lay a finger on him!" I tell the male. "I-im sorry boss." is all he mutters out. "See, that's not how it works. You get one chance, plus I'm tired of you." I say as a pull out the gun in my back pocket. I place it on his temple. "Any last words?" I ask. Before he can speak I pull the trigger. "Hm, guess not." I smirk to myself.

I call in the maids to have it cleaned up before Yoongi sees it. Can't have him seeing a dead body in my dinning room can I?

Anyways, on to Namjoon. I enter the medical room and tell him to come with me. He does without hesitation. Once we've entered again I ask about what Yoongi told me. He says he agreed and was glad to go. I can tell he won't be difficult to work with then.

I am still pissed about him having hands laid on him though.

But I've got business to do so I ask about his father after I untied him. It seems he doesn't know a lot about his dad. It's fine for now though.

I walk him back to his room since I can't trust my men to do it. As I go to leave I hear him mumble "thank you." I want to ask why he is thanking me, especially after I had him kidnapped. But pretend not to hear.
As I sit in my office chair my mind begins to wonder. Why was he not afraid, nor did he cry at all when I first went in to check in. He even called me sir, which is unusual. When we take someone usually they plead for their life and are hysterically crying. But this boy? No, he agreed to everything, smiles, and called me sir? I'm very intrigued by you Min Yoongi.

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