Chapter 23 - Yoongi

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"Maybe if he knows, I won't have to recieve anymore punishments." I think to myself. I walk in front of his desk an squirm out of my over sized sweater. He sits with a blank expression. Once I turn I hear his chair move. I go to face him but my vision is blurry.

I see an arm go to my head gently and a face close to mine. I start to hear my fathers voice telling me I'm going to get punished for leaving. "I'm sorry sir!" I say repeatedly as I feel myself drop to my knees.

I feel a sting in my arm before it goes black.
I sit up and look around. I let out a sigh, thankful I'm not home. I want to get up from the bed but I have a headache, stopping me. But wait, this is not my room. I carefully examine my surroundings. All black, this has to be Hoseoks room. But why am I in his bed?

The door opens as a moody hoseok walks in. Speak of the devil. He stops once he notices I'm awake. He doesn't say anything as he sits in a chair next to the bed. He pats his lap and I do my best to crawl over there without hands. I like it when he holds me, I feel safe for once.

"Can... Can I know what happened?" he stares at me with a blank expression yet his eyes hold anger. "You have to promise not to tell anyone." I mumble. He looks as if I'm joking but does agree eventually.

"You probably think I'm insane for wanting to stay here, but other than my grandma, here, is the only place I feel safe. That's because... I received many punishments from my father. I'm surprised to still be alive. I've been hit and kicked so much that I can't even feel pain there anymore. But it's my fault really." I take a deep breath as I wipe tears away.

"How is any of that your fault?" he asks. "If I were to do anything wrong I received a punishment. Being late, even by a few seconds was one. Depending on how late I was decided my punishment. Or if I broke something, always on accident though, I never meant too! But it was anything I did that they did not like was a punishment." his grip on me tightens as I lean into him more, inhaling his scent.

"How often were these... Punishments?" he asks slowly. "Everyday, sometimes multiple times." I whisper. "Since I was around 8." I mumble. He hums a response. We sat in silence for a while before went to his office, me still sitting on his lap, so he can work.

I'm getting used to this, is that good or bad?

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