Chapter 33 - Yoongi

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I wake up feeling down. "Tomorrow is my birthday and Hoseok is still in a mood. That's right, I've been here for a whole two months at this point. I'm not sure if my parents are looking for me either, honestly I'm not sure if anyone is. I'm not allowed to know my location, which means I can't watch certain news channels. So I have no clue what's going on in the world.

At this point I'm over it. I want to leave and go out or do something. Usually I wouldn't complain since they've blessed me with kindness but I'm so very bored that I can't help it. Maybe I can ask if Hoseok and Jin will take me out tomorrow for my birthday!"

I hop out of my bed and rush to Jin and Namjoons room. "Jin hyung?" I whisper as I peak inside. He turns around from his closet and smiles at me. "I have a question." I mumble as I walk in slowly. "What is it?" he asks cautiously. "Well, my birthday is tomorrow and I was wondering..." I trail off as I look down. "If we could go out?" Jin begins to cough as Namjoon walks in with a skeptical face.

That's when I realized my wording. My face goes red in embarrassment. "No no, not like that!" I exclaim, wavering my hands. "I-i meant like could me, you, Hoseok, and maybe the others go out and do something?" his eyes go wide as he looks at Namjoon. Namjoon blinks a few times and mumbles something to Jin.

"Look sweety, Hoseok... Hoseok will say no. Never in a million years would he let you go out. I'm sorry to say but you are his hostage still, remember?" I feel a ping in my chest. I know it's true, I've just been avoiding it. "Although," Namjoon chimes in. "-he also never let's his hostages out. Nor had they ever had a room. Usually they would stay in the 'dungeon'." that lightens my mood a bit.

"He is right, you can go ask. It's not up to us." I nod as I carefully walk to his office. I knock a couple times but there's no response. I sigh as I'm about to walk away. But as I turn I see the familiar male. He stares down at me and waits for me to say something. "I-i have a question." he nods for me to go on. "Since tomorrow is my birthday, I was wondering... If we could go out and do something?" his expression doesn't change as he says no. "Please?" I ask gently. "No, too risky." he says as he walks into his office.

"Jin was right, I am just his hostage."

Fun fact ~ I wrote this the day before my birthday :]

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