Chapter 58 - Hoseok

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I must've fallen asleep. I stay still as I slightly open my eyes. Damn, I wonder what time it is? I grunt a I feel a hand on the top of my head and pat it a few times. "Go away Jin..." I mumble. "Hobi~" I sigh, "no. I won't leave, I need to-" wait... I lift my head up quickly. I blink a few times. "Y-yoongi?" I say, almost in a whisper. "Hey hoseok." he gives a weak smile. I feel my eyes watering once more. Fuck, how many times am I gonna cry over him?

I wrap him in my arms gently and silently cry into his shoulder. "A-are you... Crying?" he asks. "N-no." I mutter. He places a hand on my back and gently rubs it. "I'm so glad you're ok..." I mutter. "All thanks to you." he says. I look up at him. "I missed you." he smiles back at me. "I missed you too hobi." I cup his cheek lightly as I give him a soft yet passionate kiss.

"How long was I out for?" he asks. "About 7 months..." I reply. His eyes widen. "I know... It's been a while." I hold his hand an lean back so we can talk easier. "But...?" he looks confused. "Wait... I thought I died?" I chuckle slightly. "No." I mutter. "W-what happened?" he asks. "It's...not a fun story." I say. He shakes his head slightly. "I'd like to know..." I sigh and squeeze his hand to which he squeezes back, you don't know how long I've waited just for that little moment.
"We've got the location... You're gonna be disappointed." I snap my head to the door. "I don't give a shit! If you've found him then I don't care how I feel!" Taehyung and Jungkook look at each other and sigh. "He's in the basement... Of this house." my eyes widen, "WHAT!?" I shout. They hold me back from leaving the room. "We need a plan! You can't just go in there and risk Yoongi getting hurt even more." they say, trying to get me in the right head space. Which does work. I grunt and sit down at my desk.

"Come up with an idea." I tell them, which is new but I'm to pissed to think of anything other than storming in there and killing anything that has a heart beat.

"Sir, we could do a sneak attack, go in through the secret entrance and set off smoke bombs. We will of course have masks on so we can see and we get Yoongi and capture whoever else is down there." I hang my head down low. "That works." I sigh. "Get Joon ready. I want Taehyung with him. And Jungkook I want you to go after anybody who runs from the scene. I will find Yoongi. No one touch him, find me if you come across him." they nod and run out of my office.

Eventually we are all ready and head to the elevator. Luckily I'm the only one who knew about this entrance, until now that is. That's fine though, I have plenty others. I motion for Namjoon and Taehyung to go one way as I motion for Jung kook to get the other. I give them a few seconds before I enter, giving time for them to scoop the area bit.

I slowly walk along the halls of my torture floor, gun in hand. Not long after I hear a few shouts and bullets ricochet of the walls. Ah, how pleasant, they already decided to have fun without me.

After checking 2 rooms and finding nothing I walked into the smallest, number 3. To my surprise Yoongi was there.
"What happened with the others?" he asks. "Well, Jungkook caught the people and Taehyung has them held captive in a... Special room." I explain. He nods slowly. "So wait, I was in the basement the whole time??" he asks surprised. I chuckle, "apparently so."

"God, I can't believe all that happened right under my nose." he squeezes my hand and gently pushes my face to look at him with his other. "Don't think like that, all that matters is I'm here now, and you saved me, you got me back."

"But it's my fault you were taken from me, I should've protected you more." that's when his look gets serious. "No, it's my fault." Im confused, "I walked the best I could...But the thing is, I walked into someone and they told me they'd take me somewhere safe, and I trusted them. Apparently I am just stupid. The odd thing is, I swear it was Jimim who I ran into." he explains. I sigh and shake my head. "Yoongi, Jimin was behind all this, along with your mother." I mutter.

His eyes slightly widen. "B-but..." I cut him off, "I know, I didn't expect it to be him either but things started to add up and we found out we were right once we caught him trying to escape." Yoongis eyes start to tear up. "What's wrong baby? Are you having a panic attack?" I ask worridly. "No, no, it's just... I can't believe I trusted him. He watched as my mother about beat me to death. He gave her things, weapons. To harm me with! H-he even hit me once..." now it's my turn to be surprised, sure I knew he took my baby but I never thought he'd be the one to hit him!

"What?" I mumble. "At one point I couldn't stop crying... For you... And he slapped me across the face and told me to shut up." I feel the anger build up. "Calm down Hoseokie, your veins are starting to pop out." I take a few deep breaths and calm down to my best abilities. "Hobi, I'm just glad to finally be in your arms again." he says with glossy eyes, that hold a soft, caring gaze. "I missed you to Yoongi luv." I say, with the same emotion.

...It's unbelievable how much I missed you...

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