Chapter 50 - Hoseok

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"Today we go in and get my- get Yoongi back." my face flushes for a split second before going back to normal. "Yessir" taehyung and jungkook say together. After what Jin told me, I had to move the mission up way sooner. There's no way in hell I'm letting this go on any longer. I guess being a CEO has it's advantages, if I wanted to I could just walk in an nobody question why I'm there, I'm known for buying many many companies as is. But it's also a bad thing because they could recognize me an that would be a bad situation for me. I'll have to wear a mask and everything for this one. As well as the others.

"Alright boys, let's go." I say as I exit the car. "No matter what fucking happens, we don't leave with out him." they nod in response. We make our to the building, it's currently 1am. Taehyung and Namjoon go from the left back as Jin and Jungkook go to the right. I make my way right through the front door.

I pic the lock easily, as I open the doors I spray the room with a mist. Ah, just what I figured, lasers. I carefully signal to Jungkook when I spot him, he understands and slips through them with no problem. He disarms the lasers and gives a thumbs up. I nod and walk around. "Jin, where is he?" I whisper. "This way." we carefully make our way to his cell. I look around but I don't see anything, "where the hell is he?" I mutter, angrily. "He... He was right here." I look at my Hyung and his eyes are wide, a few stray tears. "They must've knew..." he muttered. "Impossible." I say. "Search the damn place!"

After thirty minutes we can to the conclusion that he was just not here. I swear I will find you baby, no matter how fucking long it takes! I will find you!
Once we got home Jin and Namjoon were sitting in front of my desk as the other two sat on my couch with laptops. "Hoseok sir?" Namjoon says. "Yes?" I mutter. "How come Jimin didn't go, it's always all six of us." ah that's right, I should probably explain. "He's been strange." I say. I notice he wants me to go on. "After the first month of Yoongi being here, he started to go out randomly at night and being quite Secretive, I get strange feelings." al their eyes widen. Why? Because Jimin is one of my most trustworthy men, along with Jin. "You don't think he has been feeding information... right?" taehyung whispers slightly, more to himself. "I'm not sure Taehyung. That's the problem." I close my eyes and lean back.

It does make sense, he could've told those cops about Yoongi, when his plan didn't go right he had others come for back up, he was in the room he could've set the sleeping gas off when we were not looking. They took Yoongi and when he found out we knew where he was and had already made a plan... He took him... Again.

"That's it!" I shout, standing up. The others were spooked from my sudden actions but stood as well. "What is it?" Jungkook asks. I explain my thought process an they all staired in shock. "You really think so?" Jin asks. I nod my head. It all makes perfect sense. "Go find that ass hole" I say through gritted teeth.

He'll pay for messing with me... And my baby.

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