Chapter 10 - Yoon

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Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin and a couple other males just left to my house, and since It's just Jin and I, I ask for a favor. Now if it was anyone else I'd most likely feel bad. But me and Jin are friends. He is my hyung. "Jin hyung!" I call out as I turn the corner into his studio. "Yes Yoongi hun?" he looks up from his sewing machine to acknowledge me. "I have a small favor to ask you..." I mumble. "Hm?" he says.

I walk closer to him and look around. "Can you make me some... Clothes." I whisper. "Of course sweetie but why are you whispering?" he asks. "Well I've always wanted certain items but I was way too scared to even look at them in stores. But now, I feel like I can finally do it." I explain. He seems excited and curious. "Ok, what type of clothes you want?" he says with a big smile. "Don't make fun of me..." I whisper. "I would never! And if anyone ever does I'll shoot them myself, we'll actually I'll have Hoseok do it. Joonie would get mad if I got involved." he explains.

I smile at him. "I was hoping for some skirts and crop tops... But that's not the embarrassing part..." I whisper. I can feel my face go red. "I-i want lingerie." I whisper even quieter. But not quiet enough.

"Wait, what for?!" he asks loudly. I tell him to be quiet and he apologizes. "It makes me feel pretty... I've only got to wear it once! And I loved it. But after that...." I trailed of at the memory. I had gotten one of my worst beatings then. It was only a year ago. I had bought some and thought I could hide it but no luck as they searched my things when I walked through the door.

I try and forget about it as I put my attention back on Jin. "Of course I'll do it! What colors?" I begin to think. "Definitely white and black. Maybe dark red and some pastel ones?" I ask. "I can get it to you by tonight!" he says. I stand there in shock. "You can get me all of it in one night?" I ask, eyes wide. "Well me personally, I can get you one tonight. But if you allow my team to help, I can get it all. But I understand if you don't. My team is very trust worthy. They wouldn't tell a soul who it's for. The only person who is allowed in here without permission from me is the boss." he explains. It would be kind of nice. And since he's busy he won't have a reason to go in there.

"If you think it's a good idea then you can have your team do it." I tell him. Jin gets all excited and squeals. "You're gonna look so good Yoongi!"

I know I will Jinnie hyung.

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